Saturday, September 14, 2024

I'm glad I got the pop tarts

 Fun fact: in the 90's I did a lot of market research.  Shower cleaner, pizza, etc.  One time they called me up for Pop Tarts.  I went for a couple of hours a day 3 days in a row and ate a total of 20 pop tarts.  I think they paid me $60.  I sat in a little cubicle and they would slide the pop tart through a little door, I would try it and eat as much as I liked, they would open the door about 10 minutes later and take back whatever I didn't eat.  I also had to fill out a form on each pastry.  They had a really banging cherry one with frosting, that one I ate the whole thing.  I believe they sell it now.  

Anyway after that I was done with pop tarts for a while.  But I got a variety box at my grocery store (generic brand) last year or so and I like to have them around.  For instance, after the hurricane.  

Anyway I woke up with my usual vicious headache and the Excedrin was only doing so much.  So I ate a brown sugar pop tart.  And that did an amazing job.  

I got my shower - modified.  I washed my hair with the clarifying shampoo, feet, pits, privates.  I will wash everything else later when I wash out the henna.  I had some nice time with Spotty he is the clingiest of my cats.  

I need to talk to my cat sitter about that.  He already likes her so he will probably get in her lap for lovies if she sits in "his" chair.  

I'm not worried about Biscuit and Cleo, they sleep together most of the time.  

I am going to do most of my packing today too.  I like to get that early; one year Ron and I lived in CA we had planned to go to Texas for a couple of weeks.  I packed early, he said he would pack the night before we left.  

He was having an affair with one of his coworkers.  She was a very disturbed woman who was always getting in other people's business.  

At any rate he went out to lunch with the *other* woman he was having an affair with and got food poisoning.  He got really sick at work.  

I had phenergan suppositories for migraine and he asked me to bring them to him at work.  So I got them and went to meet him.  When I went in the building his little toy met me at the door and read me the riot act and said Ron needed a doctor and she had called a doctor, and it was a crime to give someone medication that wasn't prescribed.  

I lost my temper and told her to tell Ron that.  She did and he read HER the riot act for getting in his business, took a suppository from me, and staggered off to the bathroom.  About an hour later he was OK to travel so we went home and he slept.  His little friend called and he read her the riot act again for getting in his business, she hung up crying.  

So he didn't pack.  I had to do it.  He used up all the suppositories the next couple days including on the airplane.  

When we got to the hotel Ron was very upset I had forgotten this, he didn't need that, etc.  I said it was his own damned fault for getting sick and failing to pack early.  

So I always pack early.  I don't plan to bring much.  I have a few gifts for Dad.  Also my friend in Apparel who does the markdowns told me the Texas tourism ones "Proud Texan" that kind of thing, were on clearance for $3 so I picked up 2 for me.  

I plan to wear black (boot or straight cut, haven't decided) jeans with my "Rapper cats" graphic t shirt it has 
housecats wearing gold chains and dressed like thugs, it's very funny.  That and sneakers go on the plane.  I plan to bring my modest denim shorts and maybe some leggings (do I have the room?), the 2 Texas shirts, a plain black t shirt.  A dress and flats.  Underwear and socks.  That should do it.  

I'm going to lie down again for a little bit.  

That's it for now.  

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