Wednesday, September 4, 2024

An observation

 For all intents and purposes I think my fertility window has passed.  

I haven't had a cycle since January, for instance.  So a man looking for kids is going to need to keep looking.  

But I noticed recently I am having some symptoms I am about to have a cycle.  I kind of feel like, what's the point?  But if my body wants to throw a cycle who am I to stop it?  

I was active in the Facebook Menopause group for a while but it was pretty heavy in the men bashing.  How so many of them found lovemaking "disgusting" now, etc.  It wasn't for me so I left.  

But one thing I did glean don't throw out those feminine supplies you never know when your body is going to throw you a curve ball.  I did get rid of 90% of what I keep under the bathroom sink, though.  I didn't toss it, I put it in the bedroom closet.  

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