Sunday, September 1, 2024

I have a hard time asking for help

 There's reasons for that.  Asking for help and getting slapped down.  With Ron, asking for help and getting abused for it; having it used against me long term.  

Who could forget my depression of 2006 - it was horrible.  I wrote a poem, which I've lost, about being on a ship in flames in the middle of the sea and that's how it was.  I told Ron I was battling suicide.  He said "I couldn't".  

Meaning, he needed me and I wasn't allowed to have my own needs.  I gave him the things I could use, like knives, medication, etc.  He turned that around one day, he wanted me to "play" be active and happy and bubbly to him because after all I had the honor of being his wife...I couldn't play the game.  

He went in the other room, came back, handed me a knife, screamed "Why don't you do it?!"  

That's pretty much how it's gone in my life asking for help.  

Now, I'm fine.  I'm living my life.  I am sick today and I wish I had someone to fuss over me but I'm not likely to get it.  

It's progressing into a headache so I'm going to call it a migraine.  I ate and took some Excedrin hopefully that will help, and i'll lie down again with the cats.  

Biscuit and Cleo have been real naptime companion champs.  You saw I got my loving from Spotty.  

I can't call in tomorrow so whatever this is has to pass tonight.  Ugh.  

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