Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday morning

 My sister once bragged about having "the best therapist in (town)".  One thing this woman apparently told her it was "easy" to get over PTSD "if you didn't have another event in a year".  

That has never happened in my life, it's a cascading series of sh*t hit the fan events one after the other.  So I guess I am perpetually stressed out with PTS whatever.  

I did not sleep well and I didn't expect to.  

It was bad enough all the cats slept with me and Cleo woke me up standing on my chest, purring at me, and licking my nose with great determination.  She was very cute; she does things on her own terms but I respect that.  I am glad I don't use any creams or lotions.  

I work tonight and it shouldn't be too bad.  Then 2 days off, I plan to do some cooking.  

I told my parents what happened they were pretty speechless.  Not much they can say I guess.  

That's it for now.  

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