Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Not sure about this

 But I was thinking just now about changes I have made due to the pest.  

1.  While she knows my name and address, and that I work at Walmart, I haven't revealed my store, the bus routes I take to get there, or my job title.  

2.  When they take photos and do Tik Toks at the store I step out.  It hasn't come up but I will be happy to explain if it comes up.  And they don't need my image out there for me to do my job.  

3.  When things come up at or around the store I don't mention them.  "A long day at work" covers quite a bit of territory.  

4.  I don't talk about the times I take the bus.  

5.  I have been giving my Facebook a long hard look ever since she let slip she is on that.  Thank you, Crystal and Debbie for outing me on that.  [/sarcasm].  I may do a big purge I need to think about it first.  I am unclear if I can get rid of followers if I knew how to do that it would be the start.  200 people I don't know following me?  One of them for sure, if not more than one account, the pest or some other undesirable.  

That's it for now.  

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