Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Very early Tuesday morning

 I didn't see Buddy yesterday, it was a substitute who was so late the next bus was right behind him.  I let the first one go and got on the second bus, which had about 3 people.  I decided I had better get my hurricane snacks now so I went by my favorite grocery on the way home.  It got me home about an hour later total but it was worth it.  

I got a few basic things, generic brand pop tarts, cup of noodles, etc.  The store was insane.  Everyone had gotten some sort of hurricane alert, I think.  The lines were halfway to the back of the store and every register was open.  I did get what I wanted but I had a problem with my bottle of cleaner leaking on a bag of chips.  That's the problem, I guess, with the 80 cent bottles of spray cleaner.  

I didn't have my cart of course so it was not fun lugging it home from the bus stop.  I was Not Pleased when I got home and saw #6's 3 older kids who had clearly been throwing a ball against the side of my house again.  I thought they were too old for that crap.  The oldest is about 24-25, then a 22 ish year old girl and a 16 year old boy.  Definitely old enough to know better as I know for a fact Ron had a Spanish Speaking officer go over there about 15 years ago and explain they could not throw the ball against the side of my house anymore.  I was talking to my parents on speaker so I didn't say anything until I got in the house and had the door shut behind me.  

For now the storm track has it well away from Houston but that can change quickly.  I will be watching today.  

On the one hand I would like to take the bus home, see Buddy, say hi.  On the other hand who's to say he's even driving today?  I need to call Ace anyway and talk about an airport trip coming up.  I may book a ride home from work; we'll see.  

The cats are good.  

That's it for now!  

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