Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday afternoon

 Well a hot shower helped some.  I think some of it is hormonal.  I had some spotting yesterday my poor body.  I did give Mom a heads up.  

I have had the maximum Excedrin.  I don't dare take any more today.  I may lay down again.  

Did that.  Cleo is so funny.  Feels like 100 today and she is laying outside on the back porch.  The boy cats are inside laying around on the dresser.  

I ate some cereal (I did have a small 1 ounce bag of plain generic brand "Fritos" earlier) that didn't help one way or another.  I had some cereal (generic brand again - Cheerios the plain kind) and that did seem to help a little bit.  So I got brave and threw my Chicken Tikka Masala in the microwave.  

This is either going to be a really good idea (for some reason I know that eating spicy food can help this kind of migraine) or a really terrible one that ends with me spending my birthday heaving in a bucket.  We will see.  

I am going to do a fashion show for my aunt and take some pictures.  Since I don't have pest commentary I may put up some of the photos.  

Interesting.  I did try the Tikka Masala and it was, as advertised, a medium spice level which seems to be about my speed these days.  

So in addition to dying my hair and wearing makeup I am eating spicier foods.  

Anyway I ate it, it was pretty good.  I feel like I got my money's worth.  And the headache is better.  I'm going to lie down for a a little bit and let the spices work their magic.  

Very interesting.  

Let's see about the photos.  I plan to wear this t shirt with black bootcut jeans from work (No Boundaries brand they are about $10.  I'm a size 18 in that (comfortable fit).  For a very long time I made what I think is a common mistake for women and "if it zips, it fits" wearing stuff that was waay too tight and unflattering.  This fits.  

Dad hates cats but he will have to live with this.  

It is my favorite t shirt.  

That's it for now.  

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