Sunday, September 8, 2024

I'm going to make my green chili stew

 I have found I like to look at several recipes for something online and get a general idea for proportions, for instance 1 chopped onion for every pound meat.  That sort of thing.  I have found it helpful in the past.  

Going off a single recipe has, in the past, led to unpleasant results.  And, much like my taste in music, I don't lean on any one author.  

So I recalled 2x cumin to 1 part oregano.  That seems valid.  I also got some poblano chilis because I recall I like them in my cooking.  I'm going to roast a chili (they're pretty big).  

My store doesn't sell individual poblanos.  They sell the smaller chilis I think serranos individually but the poblano came in one pound units, mine has 3 huge chilies.  I will roast two I think tonight, make rice with a little chicken broth and some diced chili (I am not a fan of plain rice unless I am sick).  One chili will go in the crock pot along with some cubed potatoes, chopped onion, chicken broth, oregano, chili, and a tad of salt.  

Interestingly enough while I am required to eat a lot of salt (literally doctor's orders), when I cook I don't salt my food very much, especially if I plan to share it.  One of my team leads is interested in some Green Chili stew.  Since I will be using chicken stock (salted) I think I'll just do 1/2 t regular table salt on top of that.  

I love to cook for people, something I think Buddy finds baffling.  He asked me to stop bringing him food but is fine with getting candy.  Maybe he is just being polite and hates my cooking, or, as he said, he "feels guilty because (I am) too nice"  At any rate he's not getting any.  

So here's the plan: 

I have pork chop ends.  I plan to make some seasoned flour if I can find the flour.  I don't use flour very often.  If I don't have flour I will brown them anyway in the skillet with a little salt, pepper.  Then the frozen chopped onions and likely an intact garlic clove go in the crock pot, along with the cubed potatoes.  Put the meat on top, pour over a cup or so of chicken stock, add the seasonings.  I am thinking 1/2 t salt, 1/2 t oregano, 1 t cumin.  Let that cook overnight.  

I also plan to make some rice with the chicken stock, a little salt, and maybe 1/4 t oregano, 1/2 cumin, and some diced roasted green chili because I do prefer seasoned rice.  

I will have leftover pork chops which I guess I will cook in the skillet tonight.  I have to cook them tonight or freeze raw and I don't want frozen raw meat in my freezer; it's much easier to have everything cooked.  I do love a good pork chop so that's not a problem.  

And I made sure I had plenty of frozen chopped onion the times I went to the grocery store; I've got lots (considering my freezer size).  Certainly enough to do tonight's cooking.  

That's it for now.  

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