Thursday, September 12, 2024

About a tablespoon

 What I found in the cup tonight.  Pretty respectable considering it was my first cycle in eight and a half months.  

No headache now and the breast tenderness is almost gone.  That's been my big clue the last year or so that I can expect a cycle: breast tenderness.  That was an issue when I was much younger.  Ron used to think it was "funny" to grab and squeeze if I complained they were sore.  

The longer I go the more I realize my whole relationship with him was one red flag after another.  

I don't care if a man reads this if I'm going to put someone off I would rather it happen early on before I am deeply invested.  

Work was fine and I even found some laundry detergent on sale.  I took my pills on my lunch that worked fine.  

So tomorrow 6 hours and then I'm off for the weekend.  I plan to do my hair Saturday.  

I get to sleep in tomorrow Praise God.  That's it for now.  

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