Saturday, September 7, 2024

Black cats and calicos

 I have some wonderful cats.  They are cuddly but not clingy.  The Iams is wonderful for them their fur is very soft and plush like a stuffed toy.  Biscuit had very coarse fur for years after I adopted him until I put him on the Iams Urinary.  

I decided to take a little nap and laid down in bed, made sad noises.  I do that when I want a cat but I only call them if I have a treat.  The noises let them know I would like a cuddle but no requirement.  Cleo came running, laid down with me, and began licking my hand.  

And I got to think how God has sent me so many calicos in my life.  

I had a gray and white tuxedo cat.  He was very disturbed and would constantly molest my foot every night.  He was fixed but he didn't act it!  He was the first cat I ever had with FLUTD.  

When we got to Texas, the neighbor's cat, Whiskers, used to come by to visit now and then.  He was a nice brown tabby boy.  I picked up Shadow and Midi at my second apartment in Houston.  

I've had 3 black cats, one was a sweet little boy named Buddy with a heart condition.  It wasn't cheap getting him fixed as they had to take extra precautions but he made it and eventually went to a wonderful rescue.  Midi was a sweet boy at first but became aggressive and I had to give him up.  Bubba was the neighbor's cat (likely Midi's son) and I made friends with him.  He was just an awesome cat and he would always come over when I went by on my run, I would stop and pet him, he would purr and go back home.  

But his owner moved and left him to starve, the landlord asked her about him and she said she didn't care.  I had a vacancy so I took him.  Ron took a little convincing.  

Shadow was a solid gray and didn't live very long, she died a few months after Ron's accident from breast cancer.  We had no money and couldn't afford any treatment.  

Ron kept asking where she was, he was still pretty out of it, and I kept telling him "She went out".  He figured it out eventually. 

And I've had a total of 5 calicos.  One in CA, one I found literally in the trash licking the grease out of a chicken nugget carton, Torbie (technically Torbie was a Torbico), Mama Cat, and Cleo, who I think has the prettiest markings of all of them.  Her colors are very bright and she has pretty tabby swirls on her side.  


Unfortunately the majority of my adult life has been high drama and Mama Cat wasn't having that, moved in with a neighbor.  That was her choice, I'm just glad I got her fixed.  All they have to do is feed her, now.  

But I do find it funny, God keeps sending me black cats and calicos.  

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