Saturday, September 21, 2024

Four jobs at once!

 And I did it!  I'd better be careful or they'll ask me to be a (HELL NO) Team Lead.  I can't say which four jobs I did at once but I did it and all the customers, my coworkers, and the boss was happy.  Sorry for bad grammar I got 5 hours of sleep.  

And why, you may ask, is that?  Well, for one I did the "Daily double" as I call it when I work late Friday night and early Saturday morning.  Not for the weak let me tell you.  Also, Oscar the tom cat (lives about a block away) came by last night howling pitifully, wanting to be adopted.  I think he came in one day and had a look around, liked what he saw (cat furniture, litter boxes, soft beds, abundant food and water), and wants more.  

Biscuit says NO so that is it.  Also, he belongs to a family.  I'm not going to steal their cat even if he wants to run away.  Also he is owned by at least a couple of young men who would be VERY upset that I neutered him.  And I'm not having an intact cat in my home.  

At any rate Oscar (my name for him) kept coming by howling loudly and Biscuit would get up, go outside, yell at him for a while having a dialogue (sorry neighbors), Oscar would leave for a while and come back half an hour later.  He does this every several weeks.  

Morbid to think he's probably hoping Biscuit died in the meantime.  

I was so happy to get out of there.  And the store stopped selling the frozen Indian food I like I got a different brand.  Is it any good?  Will it give me a migraine?  I'll find out.  

That's it for now.  

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