Sunday, September 1, 2024

I took a nap

 And ate something hopefully that will do the trick.  

Some issues the last week I can't talk about due to OPSEC (personal security).  Nothing directly pest related; .  but if I divulge it the pest could use it to track me down so I can't.  

Buddy's out - he's made that clear.  I think he likes me but is not attracted.  That's fine, a guy like him has Big Plans I'm sure, a nice young wife, kids, etc.  My husband is not going to get that.  I'm middle aged, nearly menopausal.  Three months I think and I qualify.  

But things like that do get me thinking about the long term, what I want with my life, etc.  What God has planned.  I feel He's ending the candy phase for now not sure why.  It's too hot to go out to the Bible Handouts again.  

I keep going back to thinking God may want me with a man who has kids.  I can't shake it.  We will see.  

My parents utterly freak out if I even mention thinking about dating again.  

Back to Buddy 3,000 drivers God knows how many routes and he asks for my route again?  That is confusing but I am going to go with the couple of statements he has made about me being older.  He does have my number.  He also keeps telling me details about his personal life like the route he does on the weekend...

I hope he's not one of those turkeys says no until I start dating someone else and then changes his mind.  

Last night I had some vile digestive issues.  Like I told my parents, it was bad when I could get away to the bathroom but OK enough I wasn't thinking about it.  I had no appetite either.  

This morning I just felt off.  Sometimes I get like this with my medication.  Especially if I also wake up with a headache and take Excedrin.  It can be unpleasant.  

I do have frozen burritos, pupusas, the fixing for cheese melts, spaghetti, pork chops, pork tenderloin, etc.  Not to mention a 1 pound block of cheddar.  

I'll be OK.  But it gets me thinking I need to have my own life away from the company; I'm not giving my life to it and get replaced in 2 days "So sad about Heather... NEXT"  

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