Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Very early Wednesday

 I mentioned I was making green chili stew and one of my team leads wanted some.  Yesterday I brought her a bowl and left it in the fridge with her name on it.  She texted me at 1 am raving about it. I brought some for my first driver today she was interested.  I like cooking for people, I explained, but I don't want to do it for a living.  

I have a pretty bad headache today.  I think part of it I have been worried about a family member with health issues and the rest is likely the weather.  

But today shouldn't be too bad.  

I did not see Buddy either day.  Either he had already planned some time off, God forbid he got fired, or he got off the route somehow.  If it's the last it was probably my question.  

I asked him why he kept coming back when all the other drivers ran after one time.  He didn't have an answer.  

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