Saturday, September 7, 2024

Very early Saturday

 I am glad the pest tipped her hand about knowing the names of some family members.  

Some things I can't talk about as a result.  

I can say my aunt is on my notification list for my checking and savings accounts.  Dad asked to be put on the notification list for savings.  I did that but they also put him on checking which is not acceptable.  They also inadvertently took me off the checking account notification.  So I was sitting in front of my computer at 4 am looking at the savings balance going wtf?  

I went to the bank twice to ask them to fix it and they seemingly cannot.  This is a big issue.  They keep asking me to download the mobile app.  I don't want to do that as there is a VERY high probability my phone will be stolen at some point.  

I will need to figure that out.  

My aunt is in town this weekend and going to spend the morning with me.  That should be fun.  

I need to take my shower.  

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