Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday noon

 Ron told me a story many years ago about his ex.  He had several exes.  The last one was a head injury survivor (child abuse head injury rendered her blind), an alcoholic.   Ron only wanted damaged women he felt he could control.  

Anyway she left her husband for Ron but still remained on friendly terms with his family.  One weekend she traveled to visit them.  He had 2 brothers.  She called Ron the next day saying she was at the police station she had been sexually assaulted by them.  

He went up to visit her and the police put him in a room by himself for a few hours, checked on him now and then.  They let her in and she told him her version of things.  Ron was outraged.  They took her out.  A couple more hours.  Ron's getting very angry by now.  

The police come in and tell him she recanted.  What?  Yes, they told him, she had a consensual night with all of them and filed a false report.  She had already recanted.  They had gotten it out of her.  She was "very sorry for wasting everyone's time but felt guilty over it".  

The officer got a good look at Ron and said "Now don't do anything..." and he didn't.  Not until they got home.  He made her "tell" him again and again what she did degrading her, beating her up, etc.  He said she "had it coming for being (easy)".  

She left Ron of course, for another guy.  Unfortunately they got hooked on crack and last I heard she was not doing well.  Having survived 29 years of Ron I can imagine what her 8 years must have been like.  

I went to the grocery store.  They didn't have the candy.  I got some ingredients to make taco casserole and breakfast casserole.  I got some treats for the driver, who, I could tell, was having a hard day.  

The way the bus works I generally get the same driver coming and going.  I did, today.  I had her profiled as an orange soda with a nacho chips.  I forgot the nacho though and got plain ruffles.  I also gave her a couple nice bananas, an apple, some peanuts, and a Snickers bar.  I got a cold bottle of water as well.  

What I like to do as well, at the grocery store, is buy a candy bar for the cashier.  99% of the time they want a Snickers.  Today was the 1% he was a large guy and said he was "trying to eat better".  I asked if he would like an apple (I had several) or banana (they had all been rung up), he looked and said "No, what I'd really love is a cold bottle of water" so of course I gave that to him.  

I think it is very important to show God's love to service providers.  

Anyway I got out to the bus stop and she came a minute later.  I gave her "your lunch" and she was thrilled, looked through it, said she was going to show it to all the other drivers who would be so jealous.  I grinned and told her I knew she had a hard job.  I could tell her day was a little brighter and I felt like I had done my job.  

I still feel groggy and hungover, the mosquitoes had a field day with me, but I think I'll be able to do my cooking later.  

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