Friday, July 13, 2018


They're finding something on the ultrasound but I don't know what.


Anonymous said...

Does it really matter? All these tests are a waste of money on a person who will not change what he is doing. The outcome will be the same with financial ruin for you in the long run.

Anonymous said...

It's all in God's hands....prayers to you both.

Heather Knits said...

Thanks, to the nice comment. They were spending a lot of time looking at his right kidney and asking questions about back pain. Huge red flags for me, hope I'm wrong. Liver definitely looked funky to me, with white spots. Think he has cirrosis. Wouldn't be surprised on that one.

Ron says, if he has liver damage, he will quit drinking if they can give him something for his back pain.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you both

Anonymous said...

Then you will have an opioid addict on your hands. Which will also damage the liver :(

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that ron will quit drinking if he has liver damage. He said he would not drink on the blood thinners and we see how that turned out. More than likely he will continue to drink and add a pain pill to the mix too.

Anonymous said...

"Then you will have an opioid addict on your hands." So what? He is an alcoholic now. More than likely they won't give him the meds anyway because of his addictive personality.

Anonymous said...

“So what?” Well Heather seems to believe pain pills will eliminate the alcoholism. It won’t. He will either transfer his drug of choice from alcohol to opioids, (just as bad if not worse as many people who get hooked on those end up on heroin. (Don’t believe me look it up) ) or he will do both. Which he would probably loooove. He’s not going to give up taking something though, sadly.