Monday, July 30, 2018

Peak Hours

I slept OK but woke up exhausted.  I barely had the energy to get dressed and get Ron ready for work.  I drank 2 Dr Peppers, too, which is unusual for me, these days.

I'm still disappointed they got rid of the Diet Mountain Dew at the Walmart.  I really like that in the morning.

We went to work, it was pretty uneventful, for us.  The other vendor had a lot of excitement.  As you know, vending machines are generally lined up in rows, one next to the other.

The other vendor had their bottled vendor right next to the coffee vending machine.  The coffee vending machine has a water line running from the wall, to the back of the vending machine.  It is copper.  Someone got upset at something to do with the bottled vendor (I have used it many times with no problem), and shook it so hard it banged into the coffee vending machine and broke the water line.  Water everywhere.  They had to turn off the water.

So they had to have maintenance come in and fix it (I hope, because of that, they actually pursue the person who did this, and prosecute them - normally tampering with a vending machine at work just gets them a wink and a nod), which took both vending machines out of order for over a day.  A lot of stress for the other vendor.

Now, our sales were pretty dead, but we didn't have to deal with that, so I called it a win.  We didn't have to stay long, and we didn't.

We came home, I took my pills (morning, the Wellbutrin and a multivitamin), and took a nap.  And, yet again, I woke up with a ghastly headache.  I have to figure it is the antidepressant.

It's a catch-22.  I need the antidepressant, I have horrible depressions without it.  I get "down" now but nothing like my suicidal days past.  But I don't want the headache.

Frankly, I am terrified to ask for a new antidepressant.  What I have, works.  That is a big deal.  Huge.  Life and death, even.  So I will continue to eat my Excedrin and dread naps, now.

I took some Excedrin and drank some Gatorade.  That helped.  Once most of the edge was off I went through my stuff.

Some of it I can't talk about, but things like: I keep my security badge for work, in a lanyard with my bus pass..  So I took out the security pass, if I got robbed they would only get my bus pass and the $30 credit.  I also took some cash out of my fanny pack.

I got another Dr Pepper (good luck sleeping tonight!) and walked down to the bus stop.  By now, it was "peak hours".  Peak hours are basically morning and afternoon "rush hours" for the bus, when they run the buses more frequently.  It's a good thing.

So I didn't wait long at all.  I got to the grocery store and went to the tea section.  It was flour now.  I had to walk all over the store (I hate that) to find the tea section (ironically, where the flour used to be).  I took my time selecting about 5 different choices.  I like tea wrapped in foil, it keeps better.  I like a mix of strong, herbal, green, and decaf teas.  I took some time thinking about soap.

I would like to wash my hands with antibacterial soap before I give Ron his shot.  As I've said, friends of ours, the wife ended up with cellulitis due to poor technique (she admitted it) on her injections.  I don't want that for Ron.

But, the possum likes to eat antibacterial soap.  What to do?  I finally decided to buy another variety of the same brand, antibacterial soap.  I got "Gold" instead of "White".  Hopefully "Gold" will not be appealing to Possum.


I had a good time.  I bought a box of cereal for dinner, and some chips, but ended up making the chips my dinner.  I came home pretty quick - again, peak hours, only waited less than 5 minutes.  That's the nice thing about living in the big city.

Some guy got off at my stop.  He looked a little iffy so I waited while he went on ahead.  I would much rather follow a suspicious person, than have them following me.  Because I walk up to my home.  I don't want a bad guy to know where I live, so I have a policy to hang back and wait for them to go first.

I stopped and checked the mail, found some books for Ron.  He will be happy.

I came in and dropped off my stuff, then I went back out to water the plants and fill up the big water bowl for the "critters".  It has been incredibly dry and hot, with no rain, for weeks.

I knew I had done the right thing when a lizard came down the trellis, drinking water off the leaves of my jasmine.  Poor thing looked pretty parched.   I was glad I did it, but felt bad I hadn't done it sooner. 

I came back in to find Ron, drinking in the kitchen.  He said he ate some leftovers earlier.  He took all his leftovers from the other night and mashed them into a zip lock bag.  Meat, potatoes, all of it.  It must have looked awful but of course that doesn't matter to him. 

At least he ate one good meal. 

I am just taking it easy for a while before I go to bed.  Tomorrow I give Ron his shot.  I will wait on taking my medication because it can cause shaking hands for me, and that's no good when I'm holding a sharp needle in my hand! 

I am also cutting back on the cats' dry food and giving them a can of wet, every night.  It seems to be working pretty well  Biscuit and Baby Girl are really gobbling the canned food when I put it down. 

And, I assume, the possum is eating any leftovers at night, when it wakes up. 

Just stay away from my soap! 


Anonymous said...

Why have you not gotten rid of the possum? They are filthy and could do serious harm to Ron in the state he’s in.

Heather Knits said...

The only way to get them out is to trap them. I have a trap, and alternate the bait. I even covered the trap. Tonight I try pate, but odds are I will catch a cat instead.

You're really mad at animal control. We called them and they flat out refused to come remove it from my house. What are my taxpayer dollars paying for, I would like to know.

They only eat dead things, rats, roaches, ticks, bugs, stuff like that. Cat food and garbage.
Ron is none of that. It might eat him if he died and sat around for a while but that is unlikely.

Anonymous said...

Heather--it's more the germs/stuff on it, not it biting him!

It is annoying it won't get in the trap!

What I would do is call some exterminators, explain "I'm handicapped, so is my husband this BEAST got in" and play up how bad it is and ask if they would do it reduced or even free.

Honestly, if you wanted me to call and do it, I would (seriously).