Monday, July 2, 2018

I keep coughing

Blogger works well for me, but their spam filter system could use some work.  I keep getting spam comments on a one-sentence post I made when Ron was in the hospital. 

Ugh.  I keep coughing.  We had a big dust cloud move in this week and it has played hell with my allergies.  I keep coughing. I finally took a mucus pill about 10 minutes ago.  Hopefully that will help. 

I woke up to my faithful Biscuit and his sidekick, Baby Girl, this morning.  I brushed my teeth while they wailed for breakfast, then I fed them. 

I got ready for work.  Ron said his back was hurting him a lot.  We went to work, stocked, I helped him. 

I had to take the money out of the vending machines today.  I had a little trouble with the new snack machine.  I had to take an entire piece off to get the money out.  But I got it.  I hope I got it back in properly, the light was on. 

We went to the bank after work, had to make our deposit.  Ron had a bucket of quarters in his lap.  The bucket has a screw on lid.  And they didn't have the deposit bags and refused the deposit. 

Ron blew a gasket, pitched a fit, had a tantrum.  You can imagine the scene with him sitting in his wheelchair, in the middle of the bank, shouting.  I'm standing behind him, everyone's looking at us, I am totally embarrassed.  If they don't have it, they don't have it. 

The manager told Ron he was sorry, but he still couldn't do the deposit.  Ron was not happy.  But they did help us with our other business. 

We called our cab driver to go home, Ron had a hell of a time getting the jar of quarters in and out of the cab.   We went home, I took a nap. 

I have been so congested I am up half the night drinking water to alleviate my dry mouth.  I can't take conventional decongestants because they would cause a fatal seizure with my antidepressant - glad I read that insert.  So, when I need it, I take a 12 hour mucus pill.  They work pretty well but I didn't take one last night. 

I drank almost 2 quarts of water which of course led to plenty of bathroom trips.  All because of an African dust cloud. 

I had a pretty good nap but I got a little chilled, and pulled my blanket over me.  Biscuit joined me in bed, he's such a good boy. 

I got up and got ready to go, Ron wanted to go get some chicken.  I got a hamburger.  I had given him a multivitamin with iron at breakfast this morning.  Here's Biscuit!  By my foot!  Like I said, a good boy.  He has really become very cuddly with me.  He's a great cat. 

The only complaint the vet had, last year, aside from his weight: he was purring so loud she couldn't hear his heart.  He's a charmer when he wants to be. 

Coughing again.  So tired of it. 

We came home and I called my parents.  I couldn't exactly call them last night, with Ron shouting at me. 

Ron has been right about something; I do need to take a day of for myself.  However, my budget is pretty tight.  I had to allocate money for pills, money for doc, money for deposit (don't mind that at all), money for vet visit.  Didn't leave a lot of money for me. 

And here I am whining about something that everyone deals with - a tight budget.  Tomorrow we just go to Walmart (I have a little for that) and home, sounds good. 

I don't know what we're going to do Wednesday, yet. 


Anonymous said...

Have you tried Biotene mouthwash for dry mouth? Even the Walmart version or the Dollar General version of it works well.

Heather Knits said...

Normally I hold a mint in my mouth when I go to sleep but I ran out. :( I think the allergies/reaction whatever is making my dry mouth worse.

JJ said...

Your life is challenging most of the time. I just wanted to say, I do pray for you often, and I hope you have a great 4th of July. God loves you.

Anonymous said...

How about a cool mist humidifier?

Heather Knits said...

I got a top of the line air filter (not cheap) for the A/C system. I have a humidifier and will use that next if I don't see improvement, but the filter seems to be doing the trick.