Monday, July 16, 2018

"I didn't yell at you once"

Finally got a little sleep, woke up, very tired, tentative feeling, like my headache could come back every second. 

Ron starts shouting at me because a shoe is sticking out from under the couch and it's impeding him getting his vodka, so he sees it.  I told him I am just coming off a migraine, please don't shout. 

He shouts he doesn't care and rants some more, I leave the room.  Then when I come back (I wanted to put Excedrin in my fanny pack in case the migraine comes back), he wants to justify what he did. 

I told him the only thing I believe he said was "I don't care".  He told me he was hurting and that's why he yelled at me. 

"Funny" I told him "I was hurting all night and I didn't yell at you once." 

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