Sunday, July 29, 2018

"Never argue with a drunk"

I took my shower and did my God Time.  I did a load of dark laundry and got them in the dryer. 

How to phrase this?  I always hate it when people want to tell me all about their bowels, but they do, I guess I just have that face.  Suffice to say something I ate, didn't like me, and I spent a lot of time frantically running to the bathroom this morning. 

That killed my plan to run to the grocery store and buy some tea.  I couldn't go if I felt like that. 

Instead, I took a nap.  I woke up with yet another headache.  Every time I take a nap, I swear I wake up with a pounding headache.  It's awful. 

I took some Excedrin.  Ron wanted to go out, but not without drinking first.  He had some vodka (I try not to keep track of how many shots) and we left.  He could barely get in the vehicle, but he did. 

We got to the restaurant and were seated.  We didn't have a whole lot of time.  I ordered my food and Ron ordered a steak.  Sigh.  I hate it when Ron orders steak because I have to cut it up for him. 

But he asked if one of the cooks could cut it up for him, instead.  That was a nice break for me.  I really hate sawing away at his well-done steak.  I prefer my meat medium, it's easier to cut, more tender and juicy.  But it's Ron's food, not mine. 

If he wants to eat a gray piece of leather that's his business.  At least I wouldn't be stuck cutting it up. 

I ordered my chicken strips (I was in the mood) and she got us our 2 diet cokes.  I took out our pills. 

I had two containers with screw on lids, one for me, one for Ron.  They held our medication.  I couldn't get them open.  I asked Ron for help - I guess it is a natural reflex for me, ask Ron to help with the "man" things. 

He couldn't do it, either.  He blew up at me, cursing me out, name calling, etc.  Said I "attacked" him by asking him to help.  "Setting me up to fail, so I wouldn't feel like a man".  No, you're not a man when you verbally abuse and curse your wife.  I couldn't care less about your hand strength.  I didn't say it. 

I started to respond but I remembered Al-anon "Never argue with a drunk".  So I didn't.  If I wasn't defending myself Ron couldn't attack me (much) so he petered out.  I did ask him if he wanted to be that guy cursing out his date and verbally abusing her in a restaurant.  He sputtered a few excuses but that stopped him pretty cold. 

Then the waitress came by and asked if everything was OK.  Oh, yes, absolutely fine. 

She brought the food.  The steak was perfectly cut into small bites, for Ron.  He can't do a big bite, due to the stroke.  Ron attacked his plate and I didn't have to prepare anything.  That was nice. 

I ate my chicken, only got a little sauce on my shirt, and resolved to make the best of my meal.  Ron calmed down and had a pretty good time.  He gave the waitress a tip for the cook who cut up his food.   Then we (I put some in, too) gave the waitress a good tip that she really appreciated, she came back and told us. 

We were supposed to get the same driver to go home, but they took it and gave it to another driver.  We had bought the first driver some food, and ended up giving it to the second driver.  I told Ron to just keep it, and eat it, but he said no, he wanted to give it to the "new" guy. 

The driver is an immigrant who loves hearing cat stories, so we told him about the cats.  He remembered Biscuit, probably because he is not used to people naming their pets after food. 

We had a quick ride home, I got Ron in the house.  He let Baby Girl into the garage.  She enjoys getting out there and exploring, even when it's hot.  I accidentally scared Biscuit, and he let me know I could make it up to him by feeding him again. 

I gave him a can of wet food.  He liked that pretty well.  If he won't finish it the possum will.  I haven't seen any evidence of the possum in a while, but I did see a squirrel in the front yard when I took out some garbage.  It was pretty tame, it let me get within a few feet. 

The squirrel was pretty cute - I have forgiven squirrels, as a species, for getting into my attic and chewing things up - and I felt bad for him, thinking he was probably thirsty.  I'm thinking I should put out some sort of water bowl for the animals so they have something to drink.  Possums, squirrels, etc. need to drink too and we seem to be headed for a drought. 

I'm not complaining too much about the high pressure system sitting on Houston, because it keeps the hurricanes and flooding away.  But I do feel bad for the wild animals. 

My grass is pretty wilted, but it always comes back.  I have Bermuda grass.  I have made a special point of watering my Wandering Jew and the Jasmine out front. 

So I finally feel better.  When we got home I tried the vice grips on my pill containers, couldn't get them open.  Ron asked to try (I wasn't going to ask him!) and managed to get the container of his pills open, by breaking the container.  I was able to save the pills (his folic acid, and the multi vitamins I give him).  We couldn't get mine open, not at all.  It only had 1/2 of one days medication, and I had plenty more, so I just threw the container away.  Then I got into my pill box (I keep all my medication in a plastic box) and took one evening's worth of medication.  I can feel it working, it calms me down, makes me a little groggy, plays hell with my typing. 

So I got that all done.  I plan to go back to working on clearing my counter so I have room for my tea and electric teakettle, that will be nice to have it all in one spot. 

I plan to go to the grocery store tomorrow, after work, after I take a nap.  Hopefully I will not wake up from the nap with a headache. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had another fun day!