Thursday, July 26, 2018

"Give me a pain pill and I will get off the alcohol"

So I took Ron to the doctor today.  Things were pretty uneventful at first.  He is 152 pounds, a good weight for his height.  Everything else was unremarkable. 

I had 3 reports with me, an ultrasound report, blood work, and his radiology review of his back.  The one that uses the words like "remarkable" and "severe".  I don't understand all of it but I got the gist, Ron's back is a mess. 

Since Ron was going in to ask for pain pills, it seemed prudent.  Doc came in, he was all about the anemia.  Ron is still anemic.  I showed him the blood work results, still anemic, almost half what it should be.  He was very concerned about that.  He thinks Ron needs a colonoscopy, and to get an upper GI "scope".  Oh, yeah, and he wasn't crazy about Ron being on blood thinners. 

Ron asked for pain meds and the doc basically said you have bigger problems than that.  Also, he's not a pain doc.  Ron needs a pain doc, and a back doc, apparently, to add to his folder of other doctors (hematologist, etc.).  All we will do is go to the doctor. 

Damn that man who ran over Ron.  I hope he sees what he did one day. 

So, no pain meds today.  Ron will have to see a pain med doctor for that.  Ron said he didn't want to be scoped.  Doc said basically, you are killing yourself with alcohol. 

Then he asked me to tell him how much Ron drinks.  Honestly.  I told him "A lot, he has blackouts, and falls."  The doctor nodded and said Ron needed to do some soul searching.  He basically said Ron is at a big health crisis and will need to make some decisions about the drinking and all. 

Ron kept saying "Give me a pain pill and I will get off the alcohol" but, like you, I doubt it.  I could easily see him "accidentally" killing himself by mixing an opioid and alcohol.  "I didn't think it would hurt me". 

Look at the Eliquis.  He was expressly told: Don't drink with this medication.  2 days later, he is drinking with the medication 'Well, it didn't kill me, so it must be OK."  Well, that's a hell of a way to find out. 

I am frustrated.  I am weary.  I am scared. 

So we finished the appointment, with a referral to the pain doc.  Primary Doc copied all the reports and put them in Ron's file.  I think it's important for every doctor to know what the other ones are doing. 

We left.  There is a Starbucks not far from the doctor's office.  I parked Ron in a safe place and walked over.  I decided to get an iced green tea.  It was very good.  I really want to get my electric teakettle so I can start making tea again.  Boiling water in the microwave is a big hassle and I don't have a teapot.  I want to get both, a stovetop teapot and an electric kettle. 

We went home, I tried to take a nap.  Man, I'm depressed just thinking about today.  But Torbie cuddled with me for a while which always makes things better.  She is so sweet. 

Later on, we got some dinner.  That went pretty well.  Most importantly, the medication did not disagree with my meal.  And crap, I forgot to give Ron his vitamins. 

Just did.  He is pretty good about taking them. 

But doc thinks that the drinking has led to inflamed veins in his esophagus, which are bleeding, causing the anemia.  Also, here's a fun fact, those veins (doc didn't say this but I know it) can rupture,  causing massive blood loss.  Let's not forget Ron is on blood thinners.  If one of those veins goes, Ron will most likely die a horrifying death, choking to death on his own blood, as I look on in horror.  Or I will find him like that one morning. 

Cheerful thought.  I mentioned it was very nice, drinking the iced green tea.  I will definitely do that again. 

I have to get up at 2 AM so that's it for now. 

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