Saturday, July 7, 2018

Broken sleep

I had a long, awful, night.  Nightmares and broken sleep.  Still had to get up early and get ready.  So I did. 

I ate some leftover pancakes from yesterday and took my pills.  For once, I didn't have a headache.  Even better, I didn't get one from my antidepressant. 

We went to the warehouse.  Ron wanted the cake samples they were offering to business owners.  He ate two.  That's unusual for him. 

I bought enough supplies for two weeks, at least in my department.  We will figure out what we're doing for "Ron drinks" (Ron is in charge of the beverage department, I'm snacks and food) later this week. 

Jack came and took us to work, we unloaded and got to work.  We worked for a while, got it all done, and left. 

Our ride was late, so we had to wait in the hot sun.  Well, I did.  I waited on the bench, where the driver would see me.  I put Ron's wheelchair in the shade so he would be more comfortable.  I don't mind doing that.  They don't have a bench in the shade, although they should. 

I know, if the roles were reversed, he would do it for me.  Our ride came and we went home. 

Oh, boy, I can lie down and get a nap.  I laid down and Torbie got on me, we had a nice petting time.  Then she stiffened, jumped off the bed, and ran under it, right as I heard the roar of a lawnmower. 

The yard guys were here.  They did their thing, it took a while, but they made the yard presentable.  But I couldn't sleep.  I know, you would be hard pressed to come up with a pettier and whinier complaint - I couldn't take a nap because the yard guys - but there it is. 

All the cats fled in terror under the bed.  I could feel them thumping around the storage boxes as I lay in bed.  If there was a possum in there, they would have flushed it out, but they didn't.  All 3 of them stayed under the bed for a good long while after the yard guys left. 

The girls came out pretty quick, but Biscuit was traumatized, and only came out after Ron and I left for dinner. 

I had to wake Ron up to get ready for dinner.  He was in his underwear and he had to get dressed.  He can do that on his own. 

Our ride came right as Ron was finishing and we left.  We had a pretty good meal but we had to wait a long time on our ride home.  In the rain.  I had Ron under the awning, and managed to squeeze under there myself, but I had to push Ron out in the parking lot when I saw the driver going around in circles. 

I was annoyed he was so slow coming over to us, when he saw us.  If you are picking up a wheelchair client, and you see someone in a wheelchair, they are probably your client.  Then he said we had to wait (in the rain) while he moved so some impatient soccer mom could leave 2 minutes sooner.  I was definitely annoyed by the time he came back and stopped. 

But I managed to be civil to him and we got home OK.  I was late calling my parents so I did that after Ron went to bed. 

I'm tired.  Hopefully I will sleep OK tonight. 

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