Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter!

It's been a long day.  I went to bed early last night and slept pretty well, but I woke up around 4 AM with a nasty headache - the kind that only Excedrin helps.  I knew if I took it I would be the end of my sleep, but I wasn't sleeping anyway with the headache. 

So, there I was, up at 4 on Easter Morning.  I did my God Time.  I took a bath and shaved my legs, got about 90% of it.  I also realized my lower legs are too bruised to wear anything cropped for a while.  They are turning yellow, though, so it shouldn't be too long.  I took a shower. 

I did a lot of housework today, cleaned out part of the pantry (the trash can was getting heavy and I don't want my guys to bust a disc trying to lift it, so I stopped.  I can do one shelf a week.).  I forgot half of what I did, and I doubt it would make for interesting reading, anyway. 

I ate some tuna with mayo - Baby Girl tried to bury it - and took my medication with a glass of milk.  That agreed and I took a nap. 

And I woke up with another headache.  I debated trying to sleep some more (I was with Torbie, who slept with me last night and during my nap today), and finally decided to take yet more Excedrin.  My doctor says 450 mg of caffeine is the maximum he recommends, and I was up to 400 mg.  I hope I can sleep tonight! 

When Ron was awake, he was drinking, and complaining and moaning at God.  It was very depressing, but the Excedrin had me a little manic so it didn't faze me even as much as it normally does.  Thank God. 

I got online for a while and that was interesting.  I watched some TV, they are having a Star Wars Marathon.  I watched part of Episode 7 the other day, it was nice to see some of the old actors but I wasn't really into the story line.  Kind of like how I had trouble with Episodes 1-3.  3, I felt, was the best of the bunch.   Of course 4-6 are my favorites, I grew up watching them. 

I ran the washer on the clean cycle and it's going right now.  Ron didn't want to take his shirt off and "let" me wash it, so I'll do laundry tomorrow if I have the energy. 

That's the thing with me, energy levels are fickle and I may have energy today but not tomorrow.   So I try to do as much as possible when I do have the energy because I don't know how long it will last.  I'm not sure if I'm swinging manic for real, or whether it's just the Excedrin, but I do tend to run manic during the spring.  Summer, I get depressed, like - really depressed.  Generally.  But the moods have been better lately. 

I need to get my blood test done on Tuesday so I will have the results for Doc when I see him next week.  My blood sugar has been running a little high (about 20 points) lately so I want to eat low carb the next couple days and get a better result. 

The last thing, I need to try to call my family.  Calling during holidays is a crapshoot.  Generally I am told they are busy, they talk for a minute and want to go. 

At any rate, I'm going to go eat some Garbanzo beans, they should be low enough in carbs.  I really want some cheese but I don't have any.  I will have to buy some when I go to Walmart. 

I was really bummed to see Walmart doesn't sell the Cabot Extra Sharp Cheddar cheese anymore.  I loved that stuff.  The other brands don't taste as good. 

That's it for now.  Remember I am praying for you, daily. 


Anonymous said...

I covet your prayers. Lots going on.

Heather Knits said...

The good news, it's not just me praying, all the Christian readers will be praying too. When we get it right, we're good to have at your back.