Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Yet another Handout

People keep telling me Greens Road @ Imperial Valley is a really bad area.   Good, that's why we go. 

We got there around lunch and set up.  I started handing out Bibles almost immediately.  I don't know how it works, but Ron seems to be my "lucky charm" in that neighborhood.  I don't know if it's the wheelchair, or the fact he's black, but it works.  People are much more drawn to the Handout and interested in taking a Bible. 

I had one lady who spoke Spanish.  I gave her all 4 of my Spanish Bibles.  I didn't get any other Spanish after that.  I got a couple of guys in work trucks, one of them said "I won't say no to a Bible!" and I gave him one, with a promise to pray for him daily (THE most important part of the work!). 

I had a lady with some kids in the backseat.  She wanted Bibles, I gave her two regular Bibles.  I was digging in my bag for the kid Bibles when the light changed.  I told her to come back, I had kid Bibles.  It took a couple minutes, but she did.  She and the kids were thrilled to get some kid Bibles (they are an easy to read translation, larger print, illustrations).  I was so happy I had brought some kid Bibles. 

I had a couple of people who told me they already had Bibles.  I kicked myself because I had meant to bring some Bible promise books for them, and I forgot.  Next time I will put them in my bag the minute I think about it. 

Then I had Mr Know It All in the convertible.  He told me he already had a Bible, my translation was "all wrong" and I wasn't going to Heaven by doing works.  I know that.  I see it more as inviting people to an awesome party, than "working my way to heaven" which we all know I can't do anyway.  Frustrating. 

But it's not for me to judge others, even though they may judge me.  My job is to stand out on the corner and distribute Bibles.  I was really happy I was clearly handing out Bibles to people who lived in the neighborhood, poorly dressed, cheap cars, gang colors, etc.  I really want to reach "the lost" and not people who already have half a dozen Bibles at home.  God was letting me do that; and everyone was thrilled to hear I would pray for them daily.  One lady asked for our names, and we gave them to her (first names) and she wrote them on her hand so she could pray for us.  I thought that was really sweet. 

We also saw a waitress we know.  She already has a Bible.  She came over and got a hug, wanted to know what we were doing, and chatted a minute. 

I had a real run on Bibles at the end, it seemed like every car wanted a couple.  I had two pedestrians walk across the street, one towards the start of the Handout.  I gave her a Bible and she took it.  The second lady came at the end of the Handout.  I told her I only had 2 left and she took one.  Then I looked in my bag and saw I had two more.  I gave them away and told Ron to put down his sign. 

He's always so confused when I tell him that.  I have to take the sign away and roll it up with my own.  I told him we were done, and everyone had been served.  It was time to go to the chicken place. 

We went and ate lunch, then we came home.  Please pray for the recipients! 


Anonymous said...

Heather my 37 year old daughter is lost. I would refer to her as hopelessly lost but I have hope and cling to it.
When you are praying can you include her. Her name is Lindsey.

Heather Knits said...

Happy to pray. I've been praying for her anyway, I pray for all the unreached every day. My brother is into the Native American spirituality stuff, etc. It's sad and frustrating. He did let me send him a Bible. I don't know if he reads it but he's got it. And I'm praying for him, too. He's a good man, I want to see him in Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Heather I appreciate you so much.

Anonymous said...

God doesn't answer prayers. Don't waste your time. Why make fun of your brother his beliefs are just as valid as yours. Spirituality is closer to god than christianity is anyway.

Heather Knits said...

I don't mock him at all. I love him and respect him. I can only imagine how the church burned him to make him run like that. He finds more acceptance in his current belief system; BUT it will send him to hell. So I pray for him every day, and I sent him a Bible, which he thanked me for.

Heather Knits said...

To the poster who appreciates me, thank you so much. You don't know how much I needed that. I always feel like I am in for a spiritual battering after a Handout and today was no different. I told God I needed something, didn't care what, but just a bright spot. And I got it in your comment. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

For gods sake heather your brother is not going to hell. Seriously get a freaking clue.

Why would god have to sacrifice itself to itself to appease its own anger over the imperfection of its own creation? That is just crazy.

Fine believe in god but please stop with the false teaching that hell exists. It does not and I can guarantee you many are living a hell right here on earth as we speak (even you did as a child). It is illogical for a god to make people burn and be tortured for eternity as you and many others believe.

Heather Knits said...

You have your beliefs, I have mine.

I don't do any teaching, really, I just pray and hand out Bibles. I wouldn't want to be a teacher, the Bible says they are held to a high, strict, standard.