Friday, April 6, 2018

More drama than I wanted

Ron's ranting and raving tonight, he is completely off the chain.  He just tried to give the cab driver a $200 tip - the one who brings his vodka.  He said no.  I said no, and took it.  Ron is cursing me out and ranting.

He is upset I went to dinner with Eric.  Well, if he wanted to go, he should have stayed sober, and I will tell him that tomorrow.

I am also seriously thinking of telling him I will not work tomorrow since he is keeping me up all night.

I couldn't even make a video of this due to all the expletives.

Edit, one hour later: he won't shut up.  Now he's mad that I "embarrassed" him in front of the cab driver by saying no, we didn't want to give a $200 tip.  Ron called the cab back and gave him, he said, at least an extra $100.  Now Ron says he gave the man $300, because I "interfered" by saying that $200 was too much for a tip.  He also said abusive things about me, to the cab driver. 

When was the last time he gave me $20 for Bibles? 

He keeps raving about "going out with other women" even though I have never cared if he did take other women to lunch, dinner, whatever.  He used to spend the whole day at an old lover's house (with her and her husband) "Working on the storage unit".  I never cared.  I don't.  Another old lover found me on Facebook, I gave Ron her number.  He called her, once.  If he's dumb enough to cheat she can have him.  He used to eat lunch, every day, with one coworker he was particularly close to.  One bus driver warned me about them, and I didn't believe him.  Turns out the bus driver was right.  And I was still OK with him spending time alone with "other women" after that.  Because I figured if he loved me he would do the right thing. 

Now I would pay to see him "take another woman out to dinner".  Who's going to dress Ron?  Who's going to put the wheelchair in the car?  She will have to pick him up, and put the wheelchair in the car herself.  Then she gets to read him the menu and watch him eat - now that's a real treat.  Then she gets to do the whole thing in reverse to come home. 

Oh, yeah, they will be lining up for that. 

I'm asking God to put the right thoughts in my head.  I need them.  I am feeling pretty bitter right about now. 

I also think Ron let Biscuit out, and that, if true, is really going to piss me off. 


Eric H. Bowen said...

Heather, I deeply regret that you suffered abuse because I wanted to spend time with you and Ron. I specifically mentioned that I wanted to see Ron and be hospitable to him, at least to the extent of bringing him a take-out platter as he was in no condition to travel. He chose to take that the wrong least, some part of him did.

But I still want to visit with you on a more-regular basis. I welcome Ron's participation; in fact, as long as he has not self-immolated himself out of the picture with alcohol I would insist on it. But I still wish to interact with you, regardless.

I do respect Ron's role as your husband and if he says that he does not want me visiting you I will have to abide by that. But he must tell me in person, to my face, in a time and manner in which I can be sure that it is not the booze talking.

Anonymous said...

If he would intentionally hurt biscuit by letting him outside to potentially have harm done to him he really crossed a line. What if he does it again and biscuit gets killed? What a real piece of work he is. Just disgusting. Please look for another job so at least you have a chance to get away from him and take ALL 3 cats with you if you can. I wish your aunt would just let you live with her. She seems decent. You dad on the other hand not that great of a person in my opinion.

Heather Knits said...

I was worried you would blame yourself when you read my post, Eric. Truth is he would have found some reason to get upset, perhaps "my" sink was too cluttered or the toilet wasn't flushing the way it "should" have.

Today he kept asking why we didn't take him, and I kept telling him "You were passed out on the floor. He finally got it.

It's like I told him "You were drunk from the minute I got up to the minute I went to sleep". "Well, my plate is heavier". Well, in a lot of ways he has a very good life. He has a loving wife, 3 great cats, a good house in a quiet (mostly) neighborhood, low cost transportation, and a work schedule a lot of people would kill for.

When he's in an ugly drink he will be ugly, regardless of what has transpired. It also helped that he "told" on me to our driver today, and the driver laughed at him. Said he had nothing to worry about, and he doesn't.

He has finally stopped going on about he's going to go out with another woman, partly because I reminded him he used to, all the time, and I never minded. He knows I am right.

Don't run off just yet. I think, next time, he will moderate his drinking if he knows you are coming over. Especially if he knows we will ditch him if he passes out!

Anonymous said...

I keep checking your blog in hopes that you will have announced, not that you are planning to leave, but that you HAVE LEFT Ron. This is no way to live. I am glad you have a friend in Eric. Like the other poster said, can you live with your aunt until you can find another job? Maybe she will let you live with her for good and contribute to her bills if you can’t do it alone. Maybe you are eligible for assistance due to your disability. I’m sure a place like Target or Walmart would love to have a hard working person like you on staff. Don’t care where Ron ends up anymore.