Saturday, March 31, 2018

The cup

I think I was riding a small mania and now I'm crashing, starting to get more depressed.  I've got the same life I had a week ago, but brain chemicals have decided it's worth getting depressed. 

We had a pretty standard day.  I got up, took a shower, found more bruising on the outside of my left leg - how did I land on the floor?  I didn't hurt my back, head, arms, or hands so that's good but I must have gone down like a pretzel.  I remember my legs wobbling as I went down. 

Anyway, I got up and got ready for work.  I dressed in black and wore my black steel toed sneakers - my foot feels better in them and I can move around pretty freely. 

The driver was early and very aggressive about honking, and even called us.  She was 5 minutes early.  Ron said he was ready but not going out until the pickup time, to "teach her a lesson" "But I'm not like that other guy who made us all wait half an hour".  Even I felt she was a little excessive.  The lights are on in the house, people are moving around, your client is coming out.  It's only 5 minutes. 

We went to the warehouse.  Ron mentioned the mark of the beast and she started going on about how doctors are implanting the mark of the beast into people when they do procedures.  Whatever they're doing (and I doubt they are just shoving equipment into people), they're not doing the mark of the beast. 

1.  The MOTB is taken willingly.  Those who don't take it are executed.  That's not happening currently. 
2.  The MOTB happens after the rapture.  That has not happened yet. 
3.  Taking the MOTB involves worship of the antichrist.  He hasn't appeared on the scene yet. 
4.  The MOTB is in the right hand or the forehead ONLY.  Not other body parts.  Not "Five of them implanted when they did a breast cancer biopsy"

I didn't argue with her, Ron tried, a little, but she realized we didn't agree and clammed up.  Personally?  I thought she and her friends needed a good antipsychotic. 

But, as I learned with Ron's family, it's always difficult to mix ignorant patients/family and the medical profession.  They don't understand what is happening to them, or why, and they often see "whatever" as an opportunity to get "lots" of pain meds. 

One of the nicest compliments I ever got was from a doctor "I don't have to dumb things down for you".  I saw that as high praise, and worked to be an informed family member. 

Anyway, we got to the warehouse, early.  We were early, of course, so we had to wait, but they let us come in before opening and sit at a table.  When it was time, they told us it was OK to shop. 

I did the shopping, I forgot the Pop-tarts but they aren't where they used to be.  I still have some, anyway.  Sales of everything have been down a lot so I didn't buy a whole lot. 

I got everything and Jack came.  I asked him about his arm.  "It's hanging on" he said.  I was sorry to hear it was still bothering him.  "At least it's not hanging off!"  He laughed at that. 

He said (later) he has just about got the cart attendants "trained" how he likes things stored in the truck.  Good to hear. 

When we got to work, the bottled vendor was frozen again.  That put the cap on a very bad mood, for Ron.  I got the stuff and tried the procedure to fix it, hitting buttons in a special test mode on the machine.  It didn't work. 

I put the stuff away, I didn't really need to stock so I didn't focus on that.  I helped Ron with his stocking and found a coin jam in #2.  I told Ron about it.  He got angry at me and told me he didn't mess up.  I told him to go look at it and then talk to me about it.  He fixed it. 

Ron wanted to leave so I put him outside. 

I ate a bag of chips and drank a sparkling water (I am pretty much off caffeine and aspartame).  I started thinking.  When the repairman came out, he had wiggled 'the cup", when he was fixing it.  Maybe I should try wiggling the cup. 

I did.  It sank down to the lowest level, like it should.  I closed the machine, and it went back into place!  I did a test vend, and it worked!  I called Ron, he was very happy to hear about it.  He had already called the repairman. 

We probably need a new cup, which is $260 + labor.  Ouch.  But if we need it, we need it.  I think we should wait a little while and see.  But it's Ron's business. 

I'm like the old story about behind every successful businessman is a woman.  That's me.  I might use that in a job interview one day. 

Anyway, we came home.  We fixed 2 vending machines, troubleshot the bottled vendor (needs a new cup, maybe), got all the inventory into the stockroom and rotated.  I even talked to Ron about some bills that came in.  I didn't want to talk to him about it when he was drunk.  I finally got him in a good moment. 

We came home and I took a nap.  Torbie joined me, my favorite cuddle ever!  She slept by my head - my absolute favorite!  I use a lot of exclamation points when I write about Torbie!  I got up and did my God Time. 

Then I got on the computer, not much happening, I think a lot of people are out of town.  I called my Dad but they didn't pick up, probably out of town (they have a cell phone but I don't think they like to talk on the phone while he's driving). 

I left a message,and will call tomorrow.  I will emphasize: Bibles came, fixed a vending machine.  I will also mention my fall but only in passing. 

The canker sore on my tongue is getting better, thank God.  That was almost worse than the bruises. 

Biscuit is lying on my foot.  He's a good boy. 

They found the catnip mouse (all 3 of them) and had a grand old time batting it all over, biting it, and licking it.  They love their catnip.  Bubba really didn't care for catnip, and I don't think Frosty did either, it's hard to remember (Frosty died in 2009).  I have a nice photo album, though.  Frosty  I like the photo of him and Ron with the treats. 

So I had a bunch of inebriated animals at my house, but no drama.  Baby Girl wanted me to pet her tummy, but really wanted to bite me, too.  I stopped when she pushed me away with her back legs. 

I plan to go to bed early tonight, I don't know if it will be noisy or not tomorrow.  People don't seem do Easter Egg hunts at home anymore.  I know our church is doing one at a park tomorrow. 

We don't have any trips tomorrow so I will focus on cleaning the washer, and the house.  Have a good one, I am praying for you. 


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter Heather. He is RISEN!

Spankadoo said...

omg I hate canker sores ! They are so annoying and all Iw ant to do is bite it off but the pain is miserable and I am sorry tincture of benzoin is cheap and works REALLY well to get rid of them. Give it a search I think you can get it at walmart but not sure I know amazon has it and it lasts forEVER is good for all kinds of sores, it is “old school”

Happy Easter the moon is amazing I wonder if your sky is clear and you can see it?