Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Way too much excitement for one day

 I left the house without my stick so I was rather alarmed when I heard loud and aggressive barking coming from the vacant lot I have to pass to get to the bus stop.  

I worked up my courage and went past anyway.  I was OK.  

My bus was more exciting.  We pulled up to a bus stop.  There was a black man running for the bus with a white man behind him.  

I thought "Oh, how cute, they are late for work". Not quite.  The black man got on the bus and turned around, the white guy, with dead eyes, came after him.  They fought their way down the aisle for a minute as people scrambled to get out of the way.  The black guy reached in his pocket.  The bus driver opened the back door and they both ran.

Some idiot stood in the doorway rubbernecking so the driver couldn't shut the door for a minute, we left.  A few minutes later I heard an ambulance headed that way.

The guy across the aisle was lamenting the state of society.  He was a veteran.  I told him the Bible said it would get like this and quoted Matthew 24. "Due to the wickedness of man, the love of most will grow cold ". He said "That's right!"

Being me, I said "I'd love to give you this" and handed him a New Testament in a bag of candy, which he took and put in his bag.

Now I'm at work wondering what else it holds.  That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

"The guy across the aisle was lamenting the state of society. " every generation laments about the fallen state of society. It IS nothing new under the sun as the bible says.

Anonymous said...

Being a dog lover, I wonder what they would do if you tossed a milk bone at them.

Heather Knits said...

Well I wouldn't want the dog to think I was a potential home. I actually was tossing dog treats over fences as I went to work each day and one yard they became more aggressive, growling in addition to barking, so I stopped. I was hoping for "Here comes Heather with the treat" but it seemed to backfire.