Saturday, February 10, 2024

Pasting a Bible verse always freaks out blogger so I will have to end it early.

 I think one of the team leads (not mine) may be bi?  

I am TERRIBLE at this stuff.  She keeps making provocative comments (a supervisor, no less) to me.  I just say "Sorry, not into girls" with a grin.  But she keeps saying them!  

VERY uncomfortable.  It wasn't a big deal when she is an associate but she could come back o my department one day.  It was funny, she thought she "caught" me one day out of my department until she saw the family tagging along behind me on their way to the rain suits.  They made me watch a training video that said we would take customers to the item, so I do.  Not many associates do it, though.  

I had a guy right before I clocked out last night; he wanted shower caps.  I verified he wanted "The thing you wear in the bath, not the thing you wear in the swimming pool" and took him (a long walk from where I was) over to HBA and the shower caps.  I took him right to the aisle, put them in his hand, and said "Ninety eight cents!"/  He was very surprised.  

Sometimes I think they should have an associate position where all they would do is wander around the store and help customers as asked.  That's a full time job right there.  

I'm going to do my God Time.  


Here's a verse I like: 

16 Your words were found, and I ate them,
And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart;
For I am called by Your name,
Lord God of hosts.

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