Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday night

 I had an interesting nap which I will get into later.  

Right now I am working on the honey dos for the week.  Laundry, dishes, doing some evangelism prep, organizing the Bibles, etc.  

Which begs a question I am going to come out and just ask:  

So, you walk into a room.  It is messy (ride with me, here).  What do you do first?  

I've figured out pick up the trash and get rid of that, first.  I assure you I am not being a smartass this has just never "stuck" in my poor damaged brain.  

What next?  God only knows I just try to wing it.  

Kitchen is another one.  I won't get into the kitchen other than to say I have plenty of food.  

The nap: I was riding in a convertible with a very handsome (to me) Asian man who was very into me.  That was a surprise.  I'm not looking, either.  

And a convertible would be a little problematic with long hair, I guess I would have to use some sort of clip?  

I decided to do one last load of laundry.  That's it for now.

The couch was bugging me the most, it's right by the door and catches everything I bring home.  So I cleaned it off, put everything away (it took a while) but you can see it now not just a pile of junk.  

I also did up my pills for 2 weeks that also took a while.  

Now I'm going to make up some pancakes, clean up THAT mess, and do up some "praying for you daily" cards to put in the handouts this week.    


Anonymous said...

I would make health hazards priority, dusting, cleaning bedrooms or unused rooms at the bottom of the list.

Heather Knits said...

I am debating if Flylady would be a good start.