Thursday, February 1, 2024

Thursday morning

 I am getting ready to leave, going to try and make it a good day.  

The weather is mild and sunny I am wearing jeans, t shirt, and a mauve hoodie.  I cannot wear the hoodie at work they say "for safety" but I suspect it is more about not wanting the employees to look like thugs.  

What I find interesting half the team leads (including the store manager) do not wear a vest and when they do it is very dirty.  Their other clothes are clean and it is easy enough for me to throw the vest in a load of regular clothes.  So I'm not sure what that's about.  

One day, zoning, I got popcorn popping oil on my vest so I went home, pretreated it with Shout Gel and it did the trick.  

I washed it of course that night and it was good as new the next day.  

I got my W2 the other day I made about 20K last year.  I told Dad but he probably makes more than I do.  He has Social Security I think he gets the max, so he definitely gets more.  But he was nice about it.  

He is very determined to get me to a doctor and get a physical.  I am fine, my blood tests have been coming back fine for 20 years.  

At any rate, we will see if I get a refund.  My cousin is a CPA he will find out.  He is very nice about doing my taxes for free.  

And I remembered to do my upper lip treatment.  I am trying to do it once a week, every Wednesday, but yesterday I overslept and couldn't.  I look fine now.  

I won't represent Jesus very well with a mustache!  

I need to work on my budget for property taxes as well.  I plan to do that on my lunch.  

That's it for now!  

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