Saturday, February 10, 2024

Two fun encounters

 I try to leave a trail of gospel bags everywhere I go: a baggie, with a New Testament, Scripture booklet, or tract, a generous handful of candy, and, lately, a nice little hand written note: "God loves you!  I'm praying for you!"  

It is probably the one thing in the world that makes me happy, aside from time spent with loved ones (includes cats).  

I had some fun today, 2 drivers (one I got twice he said I was "quick" at the store which I thought was funny) and some other people.  1.  The roof sales man.  Yes, I know my roof is old.  No, I don't have any money to repair it right now.  But here, have a bag of candy.  He took it, thanked me, went to the foot of the driveway and spent some time entering information on his cell phone.  The card he gave me said it's a family company; maybe they have been praying for his salvation, he'll read it and get saved, and I'll get a free roof.  

I thought it was funny they wanted to do "an inspection" on Monday - I told him, I have to work!  Also, between us, I don't want ANYONE on that roof unless they're replacing it.  I don't have leaks and I intend to keep it that way as long as possible.  

Then, a while ago, I had a sudden urge to check the mail.  Being an ENFP personality, I am very much a believer in intuition.  I do have a problem when it crosses my 2 big problems and my loneliness and causes me to read something that's not there.  

But I think God uses my personality type, my trust in intuition, to help me work.  So I went out to the mail box.  

You may remember my regular mailman: 

So I respect him; I don't do anything, he doesn't even want a bottle of water if I bump into him filling my box.  BUT!  

Today it was a lady!  I asked if she would let me give her a bottle of water and she said yes, I ran back home, got a cold bottle out of the fridge, got a bag of candy (always be ready!) and ran back to her.  Then I told her I would "come back later" so she wouldn't feel pressured.  She was happy to hear it.  

So I came back home.  

I have had a horrible depression all day, overwhelmed by housework, but I feel so much better at least planting a few seeds today.  

The important part is praying for them daily like I write on the cards.  


Anonymous said...

Maybe we're reading too much into the mailman who didn't want the candy.
Maybe he's trying to stay away from sugar.
I started back up on low carb Jan 1. I'm never hungry anymore.

Heather Knits said...

I don't think he's a jerk, I just think he has seen too much if anything.

I left bottles of water during the summer, a hand warmer when it was feels like 5 degrees out, nothing. He doesn't want gifts.

That is hard for me because my 2 primary love languages are giving gifts and quality time.

Anonymous said...

Love languages are for loved ones not strangers.

Heather Knits said...

Could be a fetal alcohol thing, then. But I love giving presents.

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on. More people should practice kindness.

Heather Knits said...

I agree. I think I'll do a blog...

Anonymous said...

You blame everything on fetal alcohol so I'll go even further and blame your obsession with Bibles on it too. Who diagnosed you anyway, yourself?

Heather Knits said...

I was diagnosed by a specialist when I was 17. My parents were then told I'd be incapable of living on my own. They only told me later.

I remember the examiner asking me extensive questions about my mother's drinking, and the look in his eyes when I told him she never stopped drinking for anything.

I was told I could get disability for it (could certainly get it for the other thing I don't talk about) but Ron suggested I try to make it on my own, first. Now I make too much to qualify.

Heather Knits said...

I would have killed myself a long time ago without my faith. Ron used to call it a "crutch" even if it is, so what? It is not harming anyone if I live by the Bible. If I'm right the unreached had better look out because Revelation is one hell of a ride!

Anonymous said...

Jesus is our "blessed hope" it's obvious to even a blind person this world is in a free fall.