Sunday, October 21, 2018

Two days in one, again

I woke up tired yesterday.  We went to the warehouse.  I bought some cookies and shared them with Ron, and Jack.  I had a couple of plain sugar cookies, safe enough, I thought.  

We went to work, the usual, helped Ron and then did "my" snacks.  I was pretty busy but I got it all done.  

We came home, the plan to take a nap and then hit the Waffle House.  I laid down.  Ron did too, in his room.  I could hear him moaning across the hall; he was having a bad day.  Apparently he pulled/pinched something at work today (he did take a couple of cases of drinks out of the fridge, and stockroom).  He moaned.  I was gripped with severe headache pain - probably those damned cookies.  

I was miserable.  He was miserable, so much so I actually got up and asked him if he'd taken his Gabapentin.  He said yes, he had, "not long ago" so I think he missed a couple of doses.  It helps with nerve pain.  I told him we both felt like crap, let's cancel the Waffle House.  We wouldn't have had any fun and God knows I had no appetite.  He said OK and cancelled.  We got a penalty for that but I was OK with that.  

We went back to bed (respectively).  I kept taking Excedrin and eventually felt semi-human by 5 PM.  Not good enough to blog, to eat, or take my pills, but good enough to call and wish my adoptive Mom a happy birthday.  They (she and my Dad) like you to sing "Happy Birthday" so I did, on my own, badly.  I explained Ron wasn't feeling well of he'd have "helped".  We talked for a while.  Most interesting, they know the hotel where I'll be staying when we travel for business.  They said it is "very nice".  Interesting.  

We talked a while and hung up.  They like to be kept posted.  She told me once "I don't want to find out things on Facebook" so I try to give them the updates, good and bad.  

Happily, except for the pain, Ron has been OK lately.  

I hung up, watched some TV for a while, and went to bed.  I slept late (for me, 9 AM) and woke up with a headache.  

I haven't mentioned, but Torbie has been sleeping with me every night for a while.  I really love that.  Biscuit joins us in the morning.  He did and begged for breakfast for a while, off and on, getting on me, kneading, purring, etc.  I finally got up, brushed my teeth, used the bathroom, and fed him.  

Well, Baby Girl eats first, then Biscuit, then Torbie.  But Torbie is the most cuddly and my favorite cat.  It doesn't seem fair she eats last, but she has lost some (necessary) weight on her diet.  Biscuit has even lost some weight, he can clean his butt now.  He looked pretty bad for a while there, prancing around with a dirty butt.  Baby Girl is still pretty chubby at around 13-14 pounds.  

I need to get them some better flea medicine.  They are pretty uncomfortable, something I notice when they're sleeping with me.  The Advantage II isn't doing it.  They are very itchy.  The vet has something else, I will try that.  I just have to walk over and buy it.  It's a little bit of a walk but safe.  I pass a gas station on the way so I can buy a snack.  The stuff I already gave them expires on the first, so I will give them the new stuff, conveniently enough, after I get paid.  

I also need to find Ron and open MRI.  Doc wants those results.  And, of course, we see the Hematologist on Tuesday.  I am expecting to find he is still anemic.  He has the house pretty warm, gets cold easy, hard to tell if he is pale with his skin coloring but his diet has been terrible.  

And, if I want my coat, I had better take my shower, get dressed, and take the bus to the bank so I can make my deposit.  

That will be my big outing for the day.  Then I can buy the coat tomorrow when I am certain the deposit has cleared.  I want that rascal delivered before our trip.  It will probably be hot and humid, but I don't want to take a chance of freezing.  

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