Thursday, October 4, 2018

This was my day

First of all, a random thought: I do not wear perfume to work.  Ron and I worry about it getting in the food, so I abstain. 

Now and then I would like to wear some, but I don't want to ruin someone's snacking experience.  Easier to skip it. 

That said, I'm home now so I just put on some Tea Rose.  I love rose perfumes. 

I also have some patchouli-lavender I like. 

So, my day.  I slept late.  I had strange dreams about vending machines, and Biscuit, who was walking around on me, trying to get me up to feed him. 

I got up, took a shower.  Got ready and got Ron ready. 

Late!  Our ride to work, almost an hour.  Ron and I were pissed.  She got out and started texting, ignoring us and hiding behind the other side of the van (they can't use their phones in the vehicle, if they have a client).  Ron asked "What's the holdup?"

"SHE'S TEXTING" I replied.  She looked up, guilty, and put it away. 

When I worked for other people whatever it was could always wait until my break or lunch.  It was NEVER that important.  The only truly urgent calls I got both came at home (Dad in the hospital, Grandma died). 

The driver came over to us, fake cheerful, how are we doing.  I told her late.  She didn't apologize, she just made a vague excuse about "traffic".  If she is getting out and texting at every stop I can see what happened, and I didn't like it. 

I also told her if we worked for someone else, we would have been fired.  Then she said she was sorry.  We got onboard.  She followed our directions and we got to work. 

We got inside and went to work.  It was pretty unremarkable, we were out of a lot of inventory so we stocked what we had. 

Two incidents: one woman (remember the pregnant eviction lady who accused me of being pampered?  Her) came up to me and told me the bottled vendor had run out of water on one row, and "you have to come in every day".  That might hold some weight if she were actually a customer, but she never buys anything.  Had she complained about my crappy snack machines I would have felt more guilty. 

Second: a woman wanted a free soda so she filed a phony refund.  "Just give me that soda".  Let me tell you something, if the bottled vendor (again!) doesn't make a vend, it gives a refund.  It is in the core programming.  If someone says it "stole their money and didn't give them a drink" then either they are lying, or they didn't wait around for the refund.  I told her about the refund and she blew me off, so - lying.  I gave it to her anyway.  God will weight it in with the rest of her sin on judgement day.  Stealing from 2 cripples. 

On our way out we met a man who is a long term employee, and very friendly.  I don't want to give any details about him based on what he told me.  I don't believe he was ever supposed to let this information out on us. 

Anyway, we met a friend of his and he introduced Ron as "The man who got run over by the truck, and knocked into the mail truck". 

The accident investigator told me, the day after the accident, that there was a witness.  The witness vanished from the formal report he later filed.  The other employees told us there was a mail truck, until suddenly they closed ranks and there wasn't.  We would have sued him, had he been involved in the accident in anyway.  And, being a commercial vehicle, it actually would have had the kind of insurance to compensate Ron for a lifetime in a wheelchair.  But I believe management told them to close ranks. 

Now, I hear, yet again, "mail truck".  It is too late to do anything about it now, as I wrote before, the statute of limitations expired 2 years after the accident.  It makes me angry, sad, and resigned, that they would hide this from us.  If the mail truck driver didn't do anything wrong than he had nothing to fear.  But if Ron really got "knocked into" the mail truck, causing some of his injuries, than they owed him for that. 

God took care of us.  I can't complain about that.  But we really didn't get any justice out of that accident.  We will have to wait. 

I was a little struck by that and didn't say much.  Ron called a cab home (long story) and he came quickly, so I was busied with loading Ron and getting myself fastened.  The nice thing about riding with a regular guy, he knows what you want. 

I will just hope the guy was exaggerating today.  I think I will go with that.  Otherwise you have seen how I can go on and on and on about the accident and the unfairness of it all. 

At least, today, I didn't mention the man who ran over Ron. 

We got home and I took a short nap.  I started my cycle and woke up with a headache and cramps.  I took something and got dressed.  Ron wanted to go to Chilis. 

Our ride was late, the same guy we keep getting who is ALWAYS late and full of excuses.  I flat out asked if he gets in trouble when he is late.  He said not if it is their fault. 

Today, apparently, they gave him a pickup from a grocery store, someone in a wheelchair with a lot of groceries and 2 cases of water.  Now, here's a thought, if you are disabled and don't trust the tap water, get a filter.  Then you don't have to force people to carry heavy cases of water for you. 

We got to the restaurant.  They had changed the menu: I got a chili burger with no onions.  It was a burger with chili on it.  Sounded good. 

Ron got a 10 ounce sirloin, I was happy to see him eating red meat.  He needs to eat more meat. 

Ron did something on the phone and ignored me for about 15 minutes.  I looked out the window and thought about things, made a list, and looked up cleansing one's hair with only conditioner.  He finally put the phone away and we talked. 

A baby started wailing.  Now, one thing women do to each other is shaming about breastfeeding.  "What, you're not breastfeeding him?"  Even medical peeps do it, say the baby won't be as healthy if you give a bottle, etc. 

I didn't even think about it, but after a couple minutes of escalating cries: obvious the baby was hungry - I started talking loudly about breastfeeding, how great it was, you could feed the baby any time you wanted, etc.  Pretty soon the baby shut up.  I guess they finally gave it a bottle.  I knew the mother would be embarrassed she "couldn't" breastfeed the baby and give it a bottle to shut it up.  To shut me up. 

It worked.  Why take a baby out at feeding time if you're not going to feed it?  No one wants to sit there and hear your kid scream because you are too lazy to take a bottle out of your diaper bag and stick it in his mouth.   I used to work in the church daycare when I was a teen, it was very easy to feed the babies.  Why would you just sit there and let it scream when you can give it a bottle? 

I don't get that.  But we tend to deal with screaming children at the sort of places I can take Ron.  One, budget.  Two, it has to be casual because someone walking by is going to see Ron holding the steak in his left (good) hand and gnawing at it like a dog.  He doesn't want to "bother" me with cutting it up and that way the bites are the perfect size for him.  He has a good time, though. 

I ate my burger carefully and managed not to drop anything on my clothes.  It was very good, as I told Ron, I would order it again.  If you are interested it comes with chili, grilled onions, meat patty, and grated cheese.  I got mine with no onions. 

I looked out the window and saw our ride to go home.  On time, for once.  We paid, left a good tip, and got aboard.  We had a straight ride home.  Not only that, it was the driver's last trip of the day, so she was in a really good mood as well. 

Ron went to bed after we got home, I think he is reading one of his talking books.  I have to get up pretty early tomorrow so it's early to bed for me, too. 

That was my day


Anonymous said...

Why would it have been the mail trucks fault that Ron got slammed into it by the actual car that hit him? It is not like the mail truck is the one that hit Ron. That would have been a completely different outcome.

Heather Knits said...

The first version of the accident that came out had the mail truck driver telling Ron it was safe for him to cross the street, even though the light had changed. So it would be his fault.

-Ron thinks it is OK, goes, gets hit by pickup and knocked into mail truck-

That was all over the plant for DAYS after the accident, then suddenly no one was talking about it anymore "What mail truck?"

I believe management told them to close ranks so they wouldn't get sued. As far as they were concerned, the pickup truck driver was on his own, but, as I've said, we only got $2K out of him for a life in a wheelchair.