Wednesday, October 24, 2018

I told him so

About 3-4 years ago, Ron was making an "online" payment to our electric company, over the phone.  He got the number sequence wrong and it shut him down.  Refused to let him make the payment. 

He kept trying, and failing.  After about a year he tried and they said it worked, but they sent us a nasty "you bounced your check" letter with a cutoff notice about a week later.  That was 2 years ago. 

While I was paying the electric bill at the store, Ron decided to make another "online" payment with the help of a customer service tech.  I came back as he was finalizing it and TOLD him it wouldn't go through, and we would get a nasty bounced check letter. 

And I was right.  We got the letter today.  Now we have to pay a fee.  Thanks, Ron.  The only positive thing I see is that now we HAVE to go to the store on Friday.  Ron says he has learned his lesson.  I agree, he has - for a couple of years. 

All systems have glitches and God knows he has tried to get this "fixed" for years, to no avail.  At least it wasn't as bad as that big corporation making $1,200 payments to our account every month.  Some accounting clerk got the account number wrong and "gave" us the money (we gave it back). 

I slept better last night, with Torbie and Biscuit.  I got cold so I got my wool blanket, put it on the bed, and turned up the thermostat a little.  Not too much, just a few degrees.  I was able to sleep fine after that. 

Ron has probably ruined me for sleeping at a standard temperature.  Especially with his anemia.  I am used to a warm house by now.  We pay more in the winter but not too much, considering. 

So I slept OK, not great, not "oh, satisfying" but "it'll do".  I've stopped worrying about sleep deprivation. 

I got up and got on the computer for a while, helped Ron, and decided to take a bath.  I seldom take baths, even though I have a luxurious garden tub.  Love that thing, I can fit my fat self in there with room to spare. 

I didn't make the water too hot, because I was worried about overheating.  I have done that a few times on my medication and it was miserable.  I had a nice bath (I used a squirt of dish soap), drained it, and took a shower.  My hair was pretty greasy but my rose oil shampoo (from Suave) did a great job on that.  I finished up. 

I had a headache so I took something, then got back on the computer.  I got ready to go and we went to the Waffle House.  Our ride was late.  Ron got pretty upset. 

Then we discovered it was not a straight trip.  Not a problem, a quick pickup and off we go- right?  Wrong. 

It was "the guy" I have heard about a lot from the drivers.  He uses paratransit as a school bus shuttle for his kid - against the policy - by law they are not allowed to take kids to school.  They are not funded for that, the schools are funded for that.  Paratransit is NOT a school bus service. 

The driver told me the name of the school.  I recognize it is a muslim-funded school.  The teachers are brought in from the middle east, etc.  When I was there all the women had head scarves.  I mentioned this to the driver, and she said "Oh, the client is a muslim"

Great.  I am not a fan of their policies.  We'll leave it at that. 

It took us forever to get in there.  All 3 of the schools close at the same time, so there are hundreds of cars trying to get in and get their kids, then more traffic trying to get back out.  We finally got in and parked.  He saw us (not blind) and walked over (able to walk), kept trying to open Ron's door, and eventually got in with his kid (who was definitely old enough to ride a school bus).  Then forever to get out.  The driver actually went in the building and asked for help as no one was directing traffic.  She came out some minutes later with another woman, who began directing traffic. 

Probably a thousand kids at all the schools combined and no one directing traffic?  I was not impressed.  Ron was Not Happy and saying so.  He used some bad language, which I didn't think was appropriate around a 12 year ish old kid, but it wasn't up to me.  I asked him to stop, repeatedly, and he didn't.  And the father didn't correct him either "Please don't talk that way around my son" is all it would have taken.  Ron wasn't listening to me. 

We got to the Waffle House and unloaded.  Ron and I went in and he ordered the steak, well done (leather!  Yuck!), etc.  I ordered my eggs and a pecan waffle.  I seem to be getting headaches anyway so I might as well. 

We had enough time to eat and take our pills (I gave Ron his multivitamin and his folic acid supplement) before the driver returned.  She took us home. 

I checked the mail and found some political junk mail.  Everyone wants me to vote democrat.  Is it because I live in a diverse neighborhood?  They think anyone who lives here is a liberal?  Or maybe it is all Houston?  I don't know.  I gave them the "proper" treatment. 

I also found the nasty letter from the electric company.  Hopefully Ron has learned his lesson for the next couple of years.  Then I had the fun of reading it to him and explaining that yes, I had told him so.  He called the company and shouted at someone, then said he would pay it on Friday. 

So I have that at least.  I got a text my coat is coming Saturday, and Ron's should come tomorrow. 

The cats are good.  Baby Girl was very cuddly with Ron and even laid on the tub mat during my bath today.  That's unusual for her. 

Torbie has been awesome sleeping with me, and Biscuit has joined her in bed.  Both of them love my wool blanket so I have it on the top of my bed.  They like it, why not. 

Off I go to work up my Amazon wish list for Christmas. 

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