Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The latter part of my day

I got up, did the computer, did most of my God Time.  I laid down for a nap. 

I woke up with some dizziness.  I think my ear tubes are clogged from allergies.  That happened to me about 10 years ago.  I took a mucus pill, it helped, but caused a headache.  Or brought the headache to the forefront, depending on your view. 

We waited and waited on our ride.  It was very late.  Ron became apoplectic.  It wasn't much fun to be around all that energy. 

We finally got to the restaurant and it was quiet.  We ordered our food, which came quickly.  Ron had the Texas bacon cheesesteak, and I had 4 scrambled eggs with cheese, and a pecan waffle.  I didn't put any syrup on it, though.  It was sweet enough already. 

We ate our food and Ron finally calmed down.  We had a pretty good meal.  Ron had changed our pickup, but instead of giving us 3:15 they changed it to 4.  That meant we would have to wait an hour after we finished our food.  And he didn't want to wait. 

So he cancelled our ride home and called a cab.  I told him to call our regular guy, it is his area. 

Cabs are a lot like wolves, they have territory.  They tend to stay in that territory unless they are taken out of it by a long trip somewhere else.  It was our regular's area. 

But Ron wanted to call the company.  Sure enough, just like yesterday, our regular guy showed up.  He was a little hurt we hadn't called him first. 

We went home.  It looked like rain, which might have posed a problem for my laundry.  See, the new washers don't like it if they lose power in the middle of the cycle.  So I try not to run it when it might lose power, ie, during a thunderstorm. 

I called my aunt and talked to her for an hour.  She is doing well, and taking me to my doctor on Tuesday.  She likes sitting in and I certainly don't mind. 

When I hung up with her, it was sunny out, so I ran a load of clothes.  These are the underwear and bras I bought yesterday, and the dirty clothes from this week (socks, underwear, etc., Ron's bib). 

That should be done in about 20 minutes.  I ran the cycle on normal.  Normally (ha ha) I run it on deep wash (for pants, it is the only way to get the soap out) or "heavy duty". 

Biscuit has stolen my TV chair.  He wants me to feed him.  I will, at 6 PM, same as always. 

Ron's anemia must be working again.  He asked me to turn off the air conditioner, it is about 85 degrees in here right now.  Pretty warm, but I hate to see him freeze. 

I am guessing his blood tests will come back with him still anemic.  His nutrition hasn't been great but it hasn't been for lack of trying.  I may need to get him some Ensure.  See if he will drink that.  He needs some sort of supplement to his diet.  Sigh.  I can only do my best. 

He just doesn't eat that much, and invests his calories into empty food like mashed potatoes and potato chips, when he should be eating fresh greens and red meat.  Nagging is not the way to go, I know that. 

I will talk to the NP at the hematologist's office.  We see her this month. 

I put up some photos on an online forum.  I am not worried about anyone stalking me or bothering me, if they wanted to do that they could have backlinked to the blog and gone that way.  Most people are good. 

Ron has been lying down since we got home, he is sleeping in bed with Baby Girl lying by his leg.  She loves to do that.  He loves it when she does do that. 

I will stay dressed until about 8 PM tonight, and "go check the mail" right before I go to bed.  That way I can see if #19 is acting up again with the music.  If they are I will have Ron call the police. 

I don't have to get up at 4 tomorrow, but 6.  So that's not bad.  I will enjoy "sleeping in".  I can't imagine staying up until 3 AM and then waking up at 11 or 12.  But it happens. 

I'm just glad I am (pretty much) caught up on laundry. 

Biscuit got in my lap for a while while I was talking to my aunt.  He is really becoming an awesome cat.  He is about 4 years old now.  He would be a good cat for a quiet senior.  He likes routine, peace, and quiet, no kids or strangers. 

But considering his early life I don't blame him. 

I'm going to go watch a little TV and wait for the clothes to finish in the washer.  That's the thing with underwires, I found out the hard way they will rust (at least the one I had, did) if you don't hang them up to dry immediately after they're done in the wash. 


Anonymous said...

Why did Ron’s dr(s) not prescribe an iron pill for his anemia?? You can even purchase over the counter. Replenishing iron stores with food is very difficult and takes a long time, vs taking a supplement. I am anemic myself.

Heather Knits said...

She said Ron's iron was in the low range, but OK. I have been giving him a supplement with iron, anyway.

Spankadoo said...

I just purchased a new washer and thought of you ! I was so frustrated with it at first it is just not the same as my old one I do not even like the new noises! I know I will get used to using it , but it is unforgiving if you open the lid to add something and get side tracked the cycle has to be restarted all over again . I miss my old washer it was so easy!

Anonymous said...

He needs an iron supplement not a supplement with iron. There’s a idfference in the amount of iron between the two. Also if he’s in the “low range but ok” is he actually anemic?? None of this ever makes any sense.

Heather Knits said...

There are different kinds of anemia. Iron deficiency is the most common. Ron's iron is in the low range but still acceptable. Ron does not have "iron" anemia. She said Ron has b-12 and folic acid deficient anemia. The cells are small, pale, and a low count. That's why they have him blood a couple months ago.

I figured a supplement with iron could help, in addition to his prescription b-12 shots and folic acid tablets (stronger than OTC dose, and better, I believe).

As I said, I plan to get Ron drinking some sort of nutritional shake with vitamins in it every day. That can also, only, help.

Heather Knits said...

My old washer was great, too. I didn't have to worry so much about balance.

After an initial bad start though (they forgot to hook up the hot water), it has worked OK. Sometimes it doesn't rinse the soap out of pants/jeans so I have to run the deep wash cycle with an extra rinse. Towels are a hassle because they have to be perfectly balanced, but other than that it is getting things clean, which is quite an accomplishment for Ron's clothes.