Tuesday, October 16, 2018

"In process"

So we left the house and went downtown.  It was a very long trip, we had to stop along the way. 

I called Doc and explained I really needed a Haldol alternative, as I couldn't find anything anywhere.  His girl called me back and said he was putting in a prescription for 2 mg Risperdal.  Good.  That is 4x the dose I was taking.  It should definitely work on my symptoms. 

Later on, I called the pharmacy and they said it was "in process".  As I assumed, no one wants me unmedicated. 

We got to the train station and bought our tickets.  Some characters at the station.  One guy kept rooting for the Red Sox.  In the heart of downtown Houston, rooting for Boston.  I couldn't believe it. 

Let me see if the Astros won.  Ah, no.  Well, there's always another game. 

We caught our ride home, it was a very long ride.  We ended up picking up a slow, manic, client downtown and taking her way out of town.  She kept jabbering away on her phone.  And squealing.  It kept making me jump.  I managed my annoyance by reminding myself I'm just like this when I don't take my lithium, and telling myself that, to her, this is "normal". 

I did make a comment about it being nice and quiet, when she got off.  FAS is the leading cause of mental slowness.  "Retardation" is not a popular word these days even though it's true.  Anyway, FAS is a leading cause.  Add to that 35% of people with FAS have bipolar disorder, it's a mess in the making.  A lot of of us running around un medicated. 

We finally got home.  I had found a total of 3 pairs of pants for Ron, in the size he likes.  He is too small for a 40 but he doesn't like a tight waistband.  I went ahead and threw them all in the wash, along with my jeans and some colored tshirts.  I didn't put the whites in the load, because I had a new pair of dark pants and I knew the color would bleed. 

I am waiting on them to dry, when they do I will give Ron his pants back.  The buzzer just triggered. 

Not dry yet. 

I am also packing a bag and trying to fit a week's worth of clothes for the both of us, into one backpack.  I need to figure out my footwear.  If I wear sneakers, I will need socks for every day.  But I can't wear flip flops and it will probably be too cold for sandals.  We will probably need 2 backpacks, one for each of us.  They can both fit on the wheelchair easily. 

I hate that they made the conference longer this time.  Now that I don't have to worry about my medication, I can focus on Ron and the cats, taking care of myself, and getting ready to travel. 

It's going to be a busy couple weeks. 

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