Friday, October 26, 2018

Crazy Train

Crazy day today.  Got up, went to Walmart - got there very late.  I managed to pick up the injection vials for Ron's b-12.  They did not have the needles, again.  Not impressed.  How many diabetics go through that pharmacy?  And you don't have 10 needles? 

I did my shopping, got Ron his stuff, me, mine.  Last on my list was socks.  I went over to the ladies' department and found some socks that looked good.  If I like them I will buy a couple more packages.  I tend to wait on buying things like socks and underwear, wait until I am manic and wanting to buy lots of something, and then go get the socks and underwear I actually need. 

But I wanted newish socks that matched, to take on my trip.  I will be wearing sneakers and will need socks.  I found some good ones, fit my big feet (not only are they large, but they are wide), and put them in the cart along with everything else. 

Then I cut through the clothing department to get to the cash registers.  I saw a cute fleece vest.  That is one thing I have been wanting, a cute fleece vest.  But I have a hard time spending money on myself. 

I looked at it - cute.  I looked at the price tag.  $10.  I looked at the size, one size up from what I normally wear (which is what I would have wanted).  I tried it on, warm, and cute.  It was a rose color, that fake fleece.  Washable.  It's only $10 and I wanted one anyway. 

I threw it in the cart.  I went to a register.  The cashier was very talkative talking to a woman in another language - something Asian.  They were having a good time.  Nothing like meeting someone who speaks your language, far from home, to make a new friend.  They finished and she left. 

Then we began chatting, he was very nice and rang everything up properly.  For instance, I had 4 boxes of granola bars for Ron.  He hit 4, then rang one up.  Most cashiers just ring one, two, three, four.  It is more logical to do it the first way, and the way I always rang my transactions (I was a cashier for some years at the start of my working career).  I finished up pretty quick and found Ron. 

We had a good ride home and Ron laid down for a bit.  He was depressed, I think, that he had to rely on public transit, and he could only sit there like "a blind lump" while I did my shopping. 

Torbie joined him and they had a good time for a while.  Then time for our next trip.  We went to Sam's Club.  I bought some soda to chill in the fridge, and be stocked tomorrow. 

We had time, so I bought a couple of hot dogs (and one for dinner) for us, we ate them.  I dressed mine up with some relish and ketchup, but it was slippery in the bun and hard to eat.  I was wearing a cream colored t-shirt so I was worried about messing it up.  I didn't. 

We finished up and our driver arrived.  She was a little odd.  She kept going on about bedbugs, sprayed herself with rubbing alcohol every time she got near a client, etc.  But she got us to work. 

And I saw the repairman coming towards us.  He scared the hell out of the driver.  He is a tall man, and solid, but no tattoos or piercings.  He is very mild-mannered although I have seen him upset. 

I ran inside with him and gave him the keys (he, Ron, and Ron's supervisor are the only ones I'd do that for) and he took the lock out quickly.  Ron wanted me to buy another lock "offa" him if I could, so I did. 

Then someone from the office came and shouted at me.  I forgot about the whole mail bomb thing - it's like the anthrax.  They are on red alert for security and cracking down on every exception.  That's not a bad thing, but like I told her,  "I've been doing it this way for 17 years".  So, I got metaphorically spanked.  I took it in good grace and took him back out. 

Ron paid him and he left.  I took Ron in the building, then loaded the drinks on a cart I'd brought out, and put them in the fridge.  Then the fun began. 

We now had a soda machine with no lock.  We HAD to empty it or the employees would, and happily.  Ron couldn't do it efficiently.  I could.  So I just did it.  He was a little upset and then got depressed again.  I told him to empty the "cash register" change bank so the employees did not get the money in the machine - but he couldn't do that on his own, again.  So I had to do it.  He got pretty annoyed. 

I got everything out of the soda machine, and most of it put into other vending machines.  Some of it went into the stockroom.  We finished up and Ron called a cab. 

We left.  Ron got very carsick on the way and, I believe, almost erupted a few times before we got home.  He collapsed into bed when he got home.  I need to start feeding him a motion sickness pill every time we leave the house.  I'm not crazy about adding more medication to the mix, but I can't have him vomiting every time we go out. 

I checked the mail.  We got a reimbursement check for something, that was nice.  Not a huge amount but it all helps.  A lot of political junk mail, some of it cheap tricks the people should be ashamed to use.  An example "If we give Firemen a raise, you may lose your garbage service".  One had a majestic photo of an eagle on the front.  Others had happy families.  I scanned them and chucked them all in the trash.  None of it changed the way I plan to vote. 

We got a collection letter for something back in June, one of Ron's medical procedures.  We will have to make a payment plan.  He has a lot of bills from June. 

I did find an open MRI from a huge hospital system in Houston, I am certain they take Medicare.  I will give Ron the number this weekend and then he can call them on Monday. 

Ron also got a talking book, he will be happy about that when he feels better. 

The cats are good, Torbie has been super cuddly today with both of us, she is so much fun.  I don't need a playful kitten running around, I just want my big old lump purring at Ron as they lay in bed together. 

Speaking of the cats, it is 6 PM, dinnertime.  I need to feed them.  I like to keep them on a schedule. 

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