Thursday, October 25, 2018

Sea legs

Well, good news, I get to sleep in tomorrow.  That will be nice.  I still work, just later. 

Tomorrow was supposed to be a day off, but Ron forgot to take us to the warehouse today before work, and buy some soda.  And we have to go in for another reason. 

But first, we went to work.  I spent the first hour helping Ron, he was very appreciative.  I made a note I had to put it in my blog.  Whatever you want to say about what he's doing, he's a lot nicer and more appreciative on the pain pills.  And he hasn't fallen out of his wheelchair once. 

Since Risperidone can raise blood sugar, I checked it this morning.  It was up 20 points from my last reading.  I will have to be pretty strict with my diet until I can get my Haldol back. 

We did his work and then I did mine.  He wanted to take some quarters to the bank but I didn't have the right supplies (deposit slips and special deposit bags).  We did decide to "rob" the machines and take the money to the bank.  We did that. 

Sales were a couple hundred better than the last time we took money out, so that was encouraging.  We finished our bank business and called our standard cab driver.  He works the area around the bank and is often there in just a few minutes.  He was out on a trip, but said it would be 15 minutes.  15 minutes he called us back.  I didn't get the details, something about the customer wouldn't pay and he had to call someone to come out to deal with it. 

We called a regular cab - just called the cab company and put the trip out for anyone.  There's usually someone around the bank.  We got a ride home pretty quick but the cab was filthy.  It was the worst I had seen in a while. 

Remember the other day, Tuesday, when we came home and the cab almost lost a wheel to a huge hole in the street?  Well, when we came home today there was a fresh concrete patch in its place.  As Ron paid the driver, I teased the workman about letting Ron "write his name" in the fresh cement.  He laughed and told me no way. 

We went in the house, I laid down for a little bit but didn't really sleep.  I did, however, have Torbie. 

We left to go to Chilis.  Ron wanted a steak and I am not going to deny him red meat.  He needs all the red meat he can get right now. 

On the way, Ron found out they were delivering a new soda machine on Monday.  That's good, but we need to pull our lock out of the machine.  I am not 100% sure I can do that. 

New medication, hand tremor - I feel floppy and dull, not a good mindset to pull custom ordered cylinder locks out of a vending machine.  I told Ron he might want to call the repairman.  He arranged that. 

We got to the restaurant and ordered our food.  I liked my food.  I asked them to add bacon to my chili burger and it was fantastic.  They put like 4 slices of bacon on the thing, it was delicious.  Ron wasn't crazy about his steak, said it wasn't well done.  I examined it.  Not a trace of pink. 

I suggested he order it the way one of my relatives used to: "Bring it out black and smoking".  Or "A piece of leather"  To me, it ruins it, to quote the Gollum. but it's his food.  He did eat until full. 

He does something interesting with leftovers, all of them go into a single gallon sized ziplock bag.  All the leftovers, mashed together, potatoes, onions, and meat.  It looks awful.  But he's blind so what does he care. 

I told him I don't often think about him being blind.  I think about him needing help but not about him being blind.  It's just - him. 

We had "too long" but he made the trips for tomorrow, going to Walmart, home, going to Sam's, work, home.  I will try to remove the lock tomorrow.  I used to do it all the time, but not so confident now with this cocktail.  I just feel dumb.  And incompetent.  But I will adjust.  I will pray over it like I always do and maybe I'll get "a hand".  If not, the repair man can always use the money.  He's got 3 kids. 

While he did that (and that takes some skill, making good trips on the paratransit computer), I called the pharmacy.  They had the b-12 injectable but did not have the needles yet.  I still have a couple of needles left but - come on!  As long as they have the pointy part on the needle I won't complain.  Last time they were only $4, too, which isn't bad. 

The computer keeps calling Ron's cell phone and announcing they don't have the Haldol.  I already called them once and told them to delete it, but apparently that didn't work.  If I have time tomorrow I will have to go talk to someone in person, let them know, I have an antipsychotic, it's OK, and please delete the prescription.  I don't want the computer calling us every week until April.  We already have so many other prescriptions.  I have 4 I use regularly (not counting phenergan or naproxen), Ron has: 5.  We are always there picking something up. 

Then we go to Sam's and pick up some drinks, then go to work and put them in the fridge.  The goal would be to remove the lock, empty the change bank, and take the soda out.  Then we can unplug it and leave it 'till Monday. 

Not as ideal: have the repairman come and take out the lock and empty the change bank (he will be happy to do it) and then we pay him and he goes.  Then take out the sodas and put them in other vending machines.  We can do it if I help him, Ron can only reach so high, in his wheelchair.  It will take some time, more than we allotted, but we only get a new soda machine every couple of years.  I am willing to invest a little into making our customers happier and more satisfied.  Especially before the holidays. 

We got our ride home, and I saw a package on the porch.  I gave it to Ron, it's his coat. 

I got him in the house and told him to open it.  He said no, it would be hard.  It literally had 2 pieces of packing tape, I told him he could do it.  He opened it.  He admired it for a while and tried it on.  He can "dress" without any help, even getting his bad arm in the sleeve.  Nice.  He has always had problems "dressing" his right side due to the paralysis.  He liked the lining, the way it fit, etc.  It is a little big on him but he likes things oversized.  He wanted to hang it up and keep it free of cat hair (wise), so I got a door hook out of the bathroom and put it on his closet door.  Then I hung the coat on the hook. 

I'm glad he likes it.  Now I don't have to worry about him freezing this winter.  My coat should come the next day or two.  I went a size up just because I hate tight coats.  I am generally pretty active when I am outside, pushing Ron, picking up the wheelchair, etc. and I need some freedom of movement. 

Speaking of movement, I have been a little "floppy" getting around.  Not really clumsy so much as disoriented to where things are in space.  I have almost fallen a couple of times.  But, this morning, I read all the possible side effects to Ron and his eyes bugged out.  I am glad, for now, I am hanging onto the back of a wheelchair when I'm out with Ron.  It provides stability until I get my sea legs. 

I was OK getting around at work.   Good.  It would be embarrassing if I fell down in front of the customers.  They would all think I was doing something bad.

Tomorrow comes pretty early so I'm going to bed.  Have a good one. 


Anonymous said...

Maybe your dosage is too high if you're having trouble functioning?

Heather Knits said...

Well, the way I see it, a hardcore illness requires hard core medication. I generally am OK overall, but they do say getting up can make ya dizzy, etc. I am not a paramedic or anything so that is OK, I just need to get used to it.

I notice I have more side effects if I take the headache pills, which is motivation to eat better so I don't need them.

Doc always says 2 side effects, the ones that kill you and the ones that don't. If they are not life threatening he generally encourages me to tough it out. BUT, I tell you, if things don't improve I am jumping back on the Haldol bandwagon when it comes back.

Just realized I forgot to check my blood sugar today. Oops. I need to get better about that.