Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Cats on my pizza box

Last night Ron got frustrated communicating with me, lost his temper, said some things, and "stomped" off (rolled angrily in the wheelchair) to his room.  I was OK with that - head injury.  That is totally normal behavior for someone with a head injury, but the reason a lot of TBI marriages don't last.  The uninjured partner takes things seriously.  Personally.

I was a little miffed for a while but I let it go.  I had to.  I'm not carrying a sack full of resentments with me everywhere I go.  I have enough baggage.

Today he had a little trouble doing the monthly report and snapped at me a little, but, again, I don't take it personally.  He is fine now.  He just barks a little when he's stressed. 

I slept late today, I got up at 9.  Biscuit was having fits.  I fed them and got on the computer for a while.  I took a nap because we have to get up very early tomorrow.  I got up and we worked on the monthly report, filed it, did our online payment. 

It sure beats mailing a check every month.  Sometimes the check would get lost and we'd be penalized. 

Ron is planning our transportation to the conference next month.  His current thinking is train.  I have never ridden a passenger train.  I rode commuter trains in CA but never a passenger one.  We would catch it downtown and then go to the venue.  Transportation from the train station to the hotel, there will be a gap of time where we can't check in.  We will need to stay an extra day, and find an affordable hotel for our extra day, transportation everywhere, etc.  It's a lot. 

But, when you're both disabled and neither one of you can drive, it's what you do.  A fun memory: years ago, 1998, Ron and I took the bus to the Greyhound bus terminal, and took the bus on a round trip to Reno, Nevada. 

I got to ride for free as Ron's "provider".  We each had about $40 to spend on gambling.  We did that all night (playing the slots).  I won about $50, Ron kept shoveling his winnings back into the machine until he was broke.  I bought us breakfast, and a Nevada coffee cup from the gift shop.  I was glad Ron was far from gambling, because he could have had a problem. 

Then we caught the bus back to San Francisco, and a bus home from there.  It was a fun outing. 

Of course that was before the accident.  Last year we did pretty well, took paratransit to the bus depot, took the bus to Dallas, took a cab to the hotel, did the whole thing in reverse. 

I just wish I could feel like it'll be fun.  I just see so much potential for a screw up. 

Then Ron played some music for a while.  It is good to see him less depressed lately.  He has become (again) quite the Astros fan.  They play a game on Saturday night. 

I ordered pizza, and it was so sweet.  I ordered a couple of pizzas and a drink.  Food for the next couple days.  When she delivered it, she had drawn little cats all over the top box.  One of the cats was saying "Thank you".  So cute.  I am glad I gave her a good tip. 

I got 2 medium thin crust pizzas, and had some of each.  One had BBQ sauce, bacon, salami, and pepperoni.  The other one was a meat lovers on a thin crust. 

I fed the cats before I ate.  Biscuit was quite anxious. 

And the yard guys came today, so that was good.  Always good to have a nice-looking yard. 

I have to go to bed pretty soon so I can get a decent amount of sleep.  I'm not tired (I had a headache and had to take some Excedrin), but I have a bottle of Diet Dr Pepper in the fridge for tomorrow. 

I bought one bottle yesterday, I couldn't get it open.  I had to get the vice grips this morning to get that rascal open. 

But I was determined. 


Anonymous said...

Why do you keep going back and forth on your healthy eating?

Spankadoo said...

I hope you go on the train! How fun!

Heather Knits said...

You read the blog and wonder why I struggle with healthy eating?

I'll give you a hint, I'm under a lot of stress.

Anonymous said...

Do your cats run out of food while you are gone? It's really not right to leave them for 2 plus days. I think the train is a dumb idea. It is not fun. It is uncomfortable and tedious.

Anonymous said...

You can't blame Ron for your stress since you are choosing to stay and live with it. There is no reason to eat junk food because of a situation you are allowing yourself to live in.

Heather Knits said...

This isn't the first conference we've attended. The cats have been fine with a couple of large food bowls spread around the house. As long as I clean the boxes right before we leave, we should be fine.

I never said Ron was behind my bad eating choices, I said I'm an emotional eater.

If I didn't stay guaranteed people would be raving on my blog about me "abandoning" him.

Anonymous said...

"If I didn't stay guaranteed people would be raving on my blog about me "abandoning" him. " NO Normal, rational people would never say you were abandoning him if you left. Now people with their own unresolved mental disorders may, but they are probably in bad situations too and would be projecting their sick mindset onto you.