Monday, October 15, 2018

Special order

I didn't get enough sleep last night.  When I got up, I was really craving a Diet Mountain Dew.  I had some powdered tea instead.  I got dressed and asked Ron if he wanted to wear his pants today. 

He has been wearing shorts every day for months.  Something told me it would be a cold one.  I have been wearing jeans for about a week now.  He said no. 

We went to work.  The driver was a speed demon, but safe.  They finally fixed "pothole" lane near work so we could take that exit. 

We got to work, I helped Ron first as I usually do.  This time, though, I got some grief from some of the customers because I hadn't stocked the snack machines by the time they got their break. 

And that horrible woman who tried to break the vending machine, and screamed at Ron, months ago, was hanging out in our area for hours.  She works nights (they get off at 6:30) but she didn't leave until 8:30.  She is certainly old enough to have a car and not apparently disabled.  Maybe she is lonely and wants to hang out in company, but the plant has a policy you have 5 minutes to get out when your shift is over. 

But she didn't bother us so I avoided her and pretended I didn't see her. 

I finally got my delivery, we have a new guy.  The old guy got promoted, so that's good.  Then, finally, snacks.  I did them up, enough to last for days.  It took a while but I got it all done.  Ron went somewhere quiet to wait while I did that.  He doesn't like the clamor of the area and the 2 loud televisions, even though I secretly turned them down during a rare quiet period. 

Finally time to go.  We went out and it was cold, and raining.  Just like the weather man on channel 26 had been saying all morning.  Well, crap. 

I put Ron in a covered alcove and waited in the rain.  I did not have an umbrella.  But it wasn't too bad.   Doc's office called me.  He doesn't want me off the Haldol.  I explained Mylan is not making it, and won't, for months.  She said "Oooh" and we finished the conversation. 

He came and we had a straight trip to the pain doctor.  We arrived about an hour before the appointment, but I would much rather be early than late. 

I gave her the new Medicare card and she thanked me.  They need the new number for the billing. 

We saw people come and go.  There was a man waiting with his wife and child.  There were limited seats.  The man did not have a pain issue, his wife did.  He made her stand while he sat in the chair.  I had wanted to like him because he was blind but that disgusted me.  She even said "It hurts if I stand more than a couple of minutes, but I'm OK, don't move".  I would have gotten up anyway. 

Not to mention, we had people on walkers, people with canes, people with knee braces coming in and trying to sit down because it hurt.  That's why they're there.  It hurts.  I thought it was beyond rude for him to sit there with people needing seating, and his wife told him about it.  But he kept sitting. 

Rude.  I was always told to get up for someone with an overt physical problem.  He was a young man, he (we had talked) admitted he doesn't have any pain issues, he was just selfish and didn't want to stand.  I had Ron out of the way (in his wheelchair, so he didn't need a seat).  Ron was actually the worst-off looking patient in the waiting room for that hour. 

I liked the middle aged Sikh man and his mother.  He was very attentive.  Other cultures have much more respect for family, the elderly, and disabled. 

They gave Ron his cards and a survey for me to fill up.  It was a risk assessment for narcotics abuse.  I had to read him the questions out loud and write down his answers.  Most of his answers fell in the "never" category ("Have you ever taken pain medicine from family and friends?").  I filled it out for him (using his answers) and gave it back. 

I thought it was interesting they asked about sexual abuse.  I know 'most every girl, and some men, on "Intervention" have a horrific tale of sexual abuse. 

They did not require a urine test today.  I drank Ron's bottle of water. 

They took us back about 20 minutes late and Doc came in quickly.  He is a very calm, peaceful, man.  He is about my age but looks like he is 25.  He asked Ron about the magnets and said he would get him some more.  Ron was happy to hear that. 

He discussed the pharmacy issue, how the pharmacy needs the diagnosis code to fill the prescription.  Doc made sure that happened this time. 

We left after scheduling an appointment for 3 weeks out.  We can't do it in 4 weeks, we will be out of town.  He can't go a week without pain meds.  So 3 weeks it is.  But it will be at a different office.  Hopefully that all works out. 

Our ride came, and a straight trip home.  I was craving something cheesy.  We got home and I looked in the fridge.  I had chicken strips from the other night.  I ate those, took my pills, and laid down for a nap.  I could hear Ron on the phone but he was pretty quiet. 

He said the prescription went through when I got up.  It was still raining and cold. 

I got online for a bit.  I am also trying to find Ron's winter pants.  I know we bought him several pair but I can't find but one pair.  I don't want to buy new clothes if we don't have to. 

Ron got a call from the pharmacy.  I am guessing Doc called.  When I wanted the Haldol it was sorry honey we can't get it.  Suddenly they are making a special order for me, and it should arrive in a few days.  I have a feeling Doc called and ripped the pharmacist a new one. 

I know he's well regarded but I didn't think he had that sort of muscle!  Impressive. 

That's it for today.  Tomorrow we get Ron's medicine (and maybe some new pants), and go to the train station to buy tickets.  The fare is surprisingly affordable.  Ron is very excited about riding the train, the dining car, etc.  And he has a narrow wheelchair so it should work.  If there is come screwup with the thing to get him on the train, he could probably haul himself up the stairs (it wouldn't be pretty, but he could do it).  We just need to get a hotel room for Thursday night.  We have a favorite chain so we will probably go with that one (a discount, but decent quality rooms). 

Lots to do!  Glad I cleaned the litter boxes last night so I don't have to do it today.  Although I need to add more litter to one box.  Baby Girl almost knocked it over. 


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear about the Halodol situation and that the doc was able to take care of business on that one after you told her it would be out until next year. Hopefully others have the same luck with their doctors if they are on it too. I had no idea until I looked it up that these things happen with medications. The pharmacies really need to be proactive about stuff like that and advise the person to call their doc about it. But most are too lazy to go the extra mile for anyone.

Heather Knits said...

What got me about the whole thing, this is a crazy pill that keeps people sewn together. Pull the pill and they will unravel in nasty ways. I can't see how anyone thought stopping this drug was a good thing.

Just glad Doc managed to kick some ass at the pharmacy. I can just imagine him on the phone!