Monday, October 8, 2018

A political post

I lost my temper today going to work. 

One of the drivers was listening to the typical liberal "morning" show.  Insult the president, boing sound effect, laugh track.  He was laughing along with it and told me "[the president] is so stupid". 

Now I should say I believe 99% of my drivers would agree, they are all liberal.  It's, like, a job requirement.  They check the political registration before they get hired or something.  I wonder sometimes.  Most of the drivers listen to one, of two, "morning" shows and they are very hostile toward anything/anyone conservative, especially including the president. 

Romans 13 says respect your leaders, because God has given them that authority.  I had a hard time doing that with the last president, but I did, and even prayed for him daily. 

So, when the driver called the president "stupid" I lost my temper.  I hate ignorance, but I hate propaganda even more. 

I asked the driver a couple of questions:
"Did you know that, under [the last president] many black middle class families lost their savings?" 
"Did you know, during the last president, unemployment among young black men was at a record high?" 
"Did you know, right now, black unemployment rates are at a record low?"
Did you know, right now, disabled employment is at a record low as well?" 

The driver (who was black) gaped at me.  "No, I didn't know any of that". 

"That's because you believe what you're told to believe.  Don't hate someone just because you are told to hate, by your 'morning show'". 


Anonymous said...

I hear ya, I work in a very liberal city and it’s hard when politics gets brought up. I try to avoid it at all costs. Your response was perfect and glad you were able to educate the driver. It’s frustrating how the media misleads.

Heather Knits said...

Thank you.

About the other post, I don't publish liberal propaganda. I am sure you can find many liberal blogs but this is not it.

Young black men had record high unemployment under the previous administration. If you care about "your people" you fix that sort of thing.

Now record LOW unemployment for black citizens under the current administration.

Seems pretty simple.

Heather Knits said...

Ron does not "Have" to work to get Medicare. I'll be honest, I don't know how a lot of that works but I know that.

About Dr Appointments, it depends on how many you have. If you have 10 a month that is a problem. If it is one every couple of months (like me), it isn't. Frankly I am of the opinion that many people do not need all the doctors they have. I would think a place like Walmart, with plenty of other people to cover, would be a good choice in that situation.

Look at Ron, primary doc, pain doc, hematologist. Primary doc thinks he needs a spine doc as well (but Ron is NEVER getting surgery). One doc could cover all of that. But they over specialize these days. So we have to attend all these different doctors.

Anonymous said...

OMGosh Heather your statement that my comment was "liberal propaganda" is exactly why our country is in trouble. Just because you don't agree with something does not make it untrue. I'm sorry, those really are the numbers and it is a fact that the administrations spoke person, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, did apologize for the misinformation and corrected the mistake.

Of course Ron doesn't have to work to receive Medicare, I'm talking about Medicaid. I'm 76 years old and also receive Medicare. I worry very much about the changes in Social Security and Medicare that are being discussed about cutting things in those programs, Ron should be too.

Heather Knits said...

See, I published that one.

I do agree if they have a work requirement for Medicaid. Most people can do something. Hell, if Ron can work anyone can.

Changes to SS and Medicare upset me. Ron has worked hard and paid into the system, he should get the benefits, BUT so many baby boomers chose not to have kids, or just 1-2, there is no one to pay into the system now to fund them all.

I remember being told in class, elementary school, that congress had just "borrowed" an astronomical sum from Social security. The teacher said, well, I'll get benefits but your generation will not. I have seen nothing to disprove that.

Anonymous said...

So is that what living here on earth is supposed to be - people having a lot of kids to become slaves to the system to support older Americans? What a sh-tty excuse for existence.

Besides MOST seniors and disabled get a heck of a lot more from the system than they ever paid into. The real issue is many people are living into their nineties now and the system was setup to not have to pay out as much because they expected the majority to die before they ever collected a nickel. Plus the rising costs of health care is another giant factor in the cost of administering these plans.

BTW Ron is getting benefits or do you not count the free transportation, health care and disability payments as getting something? Most old people have to give up all their assets when they get assistance. That means everything they have worked for is taken by the government and nursing home.

Technically Ron is not really "working" as much as pretending to be the boss while you do ALL the heavy lifting. Without you he would not be able to run that business. But the government gave him a token business to run so he would not feel worthless. That was paid for by taxpayers too. And you are welcome...

Heather Knits said...

Can't argue with you, I will say Ron does all the accounting for the business, though.

When it comes to actually doing the work, I'm the back of the operation. Ron does the accounting. OK with that.

I think he would get into big trouble if he weren't working.

People like my Dad were smart, saved up plenty for retirement so he can take care of himself. He even has plans if he is unable to care for himself (I think Ron's accident brought that point home for him). But, right now, he is a lot perkier than Ron.