Wednesday, October 3, 2018

A day off the computer

I took a day off the computer. 

I got up pretty early, yesterday, and went to Walmart. 

I wanted to buy some jeans and underwear.  I knew Ron would not sit well through clothes shopping, plus my additional supply run. 

He agreed, and gave me $40 for a cab.  I like to call the cab company, when I'm at home, see who comes.  Most of our cab drivers do not live close to the house. 

10 minutes after calling, I got a call from a guy we use a lot (does the liquor runs, for Ron).  He got me there quick and said he might be around later. 

I went in and looked at the clothes section.  I have, at home, one pair that fit great and a pair of capris.  Ideally I wanted 2 more. 

They had a big sign up for the plus sizes.  Now, as you know, they took AWAY the plus sized section this year and made me dig through all the 2's and 4's for "my" size.  Aggravating.  Who has time to go through the whole department for a lousy pair of pants? 

I went over, and, sure enough, the plus size section was back.  Now time for a complication, I have petite legs.  I am 5 foot 7, but I have a short femur (actually a fetal alcohol thing) so my legs are "short".  I needed size 24 with a short leg. 

They have a store brand, where they have "changed" the sizes so you need a size smaller than you are.  I needed 2, 22's.  With a short leg.

I found them, a pair each in dark blue, and black.  Now to try them on.  They fit, a little snug, but not bad.  I could do squats in them.  At least one of them has some stretch in it. 

I put them in the cart.  Now, time for the underwear.  I hate shopping for bras, especially since the increase.  You may recall, several years ago my antipsychotic made me go up 2 sizes so I am now a lot more buxom than I used to be.  At first it was fun, until I realized I couldn't find anything in my new size. 

For instance, most bigger size bras start at a 40 size band.  I am less than that.  So I dig through all these 40-48's and nothing for me.  I finally found a two-pack, and one of those "I cover multiple sizes" bras.  I tried them on.  They worked.  Into the cart. 

I had also found an oversized black hoodie that looks like it will work.  I will just have to hang it up when I'm not wearing it or CAT HAIR.  I also threw a package of underwear in the cart.  I like the ones with the good elastic at the top. 

That portion of the shopping done, I moved onto regular shopping.  I bought some bone broth, crackers, soup, etc.  I found a cute pumpkin t-shirt in the men's department, it's a jack-o-lantern.  It will make a cute "costume" for me on Halloween. 

I did all my shopping, paid, and made my deposit (gotta cover my auto-pays).  I bought some cookies because I was pretty queasy and I didn't want to take a chance on another one of those horribly messy milkshakes with the top popping off, leaking, etc. like it did last time. 

It wasn't as loud with the screaming children but they were still pretty bad.  I asked my cashier if all kids are that loud (I know the ones next door are), or just the ones at Walmart.  He said just the ones there.  I don't necessarily blame the babies/toddlers.  They get hungry and screaming is the only way they know to get fed.  But the older kids screaming, and running around, is too much.  I am so glad I never had kids. 

I went outside and called the driver, he said he was 15 minutes.  That was fine.  I would wait outside.  I worked on eating some cookies.  They weren't very good but they didn't have chocolate, so they were safe to eat. 

One woman walked by, stopped, stared me dead in the eyes.  I hate this social interaction stuff.  I looked back.  She opened her mouth, wide, belched, and moved on.  OK.  Another woman was sitting in a cart, singing very badly along with some music from her tablet.  It was atrocious. 

A paratransit came and she went for it, I guess it was her ride.  If she sings like that, all the time, I hope we never ride with her.  Ron will have another stroke. 

I went home.  I had 2 tote bags and an insulated bag with 2 pints of ice cream. 

We got home fast and the driver helped put the bags in the garage.  I gave him an extra tip for that.  I was happy the bags weren't heavy. 

I went in and put the ice cream away, then the clothes in the laundry room.  Now it was time for the fun part. 

I knew Ron wanted chips.  So I bought him a variety bag.  He was thrilled.  It is a couple each of various one ounce bags.  He wanted pineapple juice, I got that.  I also got him some shelf stable pineapple cups.  It is fruit in a plastic cup with juice, and a peel back lid.  4 to a package.  He loved those and ate 2 in 12 hours.  Pineapple is anti-inflammatory so it should help his various conditions. 

I took a nap, had a pretty good one.  When I got up Ron and I did some sorting and cleaning while I ran a load of laundry.  It rained.  I cleaned the litter boxes.  We were pretty busy for a while. 

Then I went to bed.  I had a hard time falling asleep.  Some jerk was playing loud music.  #19 likes to open all the doors on their house (really stupid thing to do with the vermin and the bugs), turn on the car stereo, and play the music loudly, when the weather is "nice".  I have actually gone over there and asked them personally to please turn it down, I can hear you 2 blocks away, and they just turned it up louder.  The only thing I can do is call the police and ask them to turn it down.  They will turn it down for the police. 

But I was already in bed and I didn't want to get up and get dressed to go check if it was them (it always is).  I just laid there for a couple of hours until they turned it off.  Not happy about that. 

Finally went to sleep, didn't sleep well.  Got up at 7.   Unless I am sick, I tend to get up around 7-8 every day even if I didn't get enough sleep the night before. 

I fed Biscuit, who was wailing for breakfast.  He only starts begging when I get up.  Ron always laughs at our interaction. 

I fed everyone, actually.  Torbie was sleeping by the bowl. 

I hung up all my clothes from yesterday and started my second load - the clothes are in the washer, I just have to flip the switch when I'm ready.  I need to take a shower so I'm going to do that. 

Later on, Ron and I are going to the Waffle House. 

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