Friday, October 5, 2018

Hell moth

The music started up again last night, when Ron and I were going to bed.  He asked me to walk around and see if I could find it, was it #2 or #19?   I went out and looked.  It was clearly #2. 

The problem, for them, and Ron, is they have their stereo system right next to Ron's bedroom, so when they play it the bass comes right through the south wall of the bedroom, next to his bed.  Then it travels over to my room. 

Ron wanted to call the police.  I reminded him #2 got very upset at us, after they moved in, for "narking" on us to the landlady and telling her they had a dog.  "No pets" my ass.  She didn't make them get rid of it but she did apparently yell at them and tell them we are the ones who told her.  Way to start a war. 

So the father came over and yelled at us one day, said if we had a problem we should take it to him, not the landlady.  Like that ever works.  Like the other people who've told us that, they'd just tell us to f*ck off and do whatever it is, more, or louder.  Easier to go up the ladder. 

I could only imagine what he'd do if we called in a noise complaint; so I told Ron, be sure this is worth starting a war with them.  He said it was and called. 

A couple minutes later they turned it off.  Ron called back and cancelled the call. 

About this time Biscuit came in from outside.  No big deal.  I went to pee and check on things, so I went and used the toilet.  As I was sitting on the toilet I heard rustling noises beside/behind the toilet.  Then it came out and flapped across my foot, a huge moth (5 inch wing span) with a damaged wing, flapping around on my foot, and on the floor.  That was not a pleasant sensation. 

Now, I have talked about dealing with rats.  Lizards.  Snakes.  Toads even.  Bugs of all sorts.  I've had a lizard fall on me when I'm doing my Bible study.  But I hate, and fear, those moths.  Ugh. 

I screamed for Biscuit, who came (good boy).  I pointed at the hell moth and told him to "make it dead".  Next time I saw it, it was.  Good boy. 

I went to bed.  It was late.  I slept OK, and woke up with Torbie and Biscuit.  That was a nice treat.  I got up and fed them, then took my shower and got Ron ready. 

We went to the warehouse.  Every ride today was on time.  It was a record.  Nice drivers, too. 

The first driver took "the shortcut" to the warehouse.  Ron doesn't like that because it is a bumpier road.  He complained bitterly the whole way.  They didn't pay that driver enough. 

We got to the warehouse and got the supplies.  Only 4 cases of drinks and some cookies (I believed I would have time to stock).  BUT things didn't work out that way. 

Our ride came to pick us up to go to work, got someone else, and then took us to work.  Leaving us with about 20 minutes to get a cart and put all the drinks in the fridge.  I barely managed to do that but no time to stock the cookies, which will have to wait. 

I got everything "squared away" and went back out to Ron (we agreed to leave him outside).  Then our ride was a little late but not too bad.  He hadn't seen us in a while, so we told him about the possum, and the blood clots.  We got home. 

I took a nap.  So did Ron. 

Ron's knee was bothering him all day but he suggested we put a leg on his wheelchair to give his knee a rest.  He said that helped a lot, so we are going to continue that.  BUT we will probably need a knee operation.  This has been going on for 2 years, since he cracked his knee on a metal cart at the rehab hospital. 

Ron's other problem is the MRI.  He cannot lie flat, it hurts his back.  He needs to be in an MRI that will allow him to bend his knees so he can get scanned without pain.  We have been trying to find an open MRI place for his back but no luck yet.  The one place I did find didn't take Medicare.  AGH. 

Once he gets his back done and off to the pain doc (who wants to do shots, next); we can do his knee and decide where we want to go from there.  Maybe he can get by with just a brace or he may need surgery.  Neither of us wants surgery. 

Years ago, about 20, I had problems with my left knee.  The cartilage on the back of my left knee was rough, and catching.  I ended up getting some physical therapy (they had a class on how to stretch it out, which I did), I worked on building my quads, and I began taking glucosamine.  That helped a lot - fixed me in fact.  I have had no problems since, with my knee.  I am a huge fan of glucosamine.  I even ran a half marathon on that knee. 

Ron is already taking glucosamine for his wrist (another operation he needs), but when I saw an ortho doc to get my referral to PT, he said "Don't let them operate.  The function is never the same".  I told Ron, and we agree: we want to keep the function, especially in Ron's left hand. 

We went to the Waffle House.  We had the same driver, twice.  It was the guy who is always late, with excuses.  This time he was complaining about his job and how "hard" it is.  Well, when you have a limited education and skill set you will have to "work harder" than the person with certification (say, a IT guy).  Ron finally told him he (the driver) was able bodied with a steady income and a healthy wife who works - he had nothing to complain about.  The driver took a look at Ron in the backseat, blind, wheelchair, etc., and agreed.  So that ended it. 

Ron didn't want to eat, he said he was tired so he worked on his phone.  I never figured - well, come to think of it, back when he only had a landline he used to do the same thing.  He would play counselor with people on the phone for hours after he got home from work and then go to bed.  No quality time.  He is doing it again - not the counseling part, but working on the phone and ignoring me.  Some things, like making our trips for the next day, I understand and support.  We need him to do that.  But other things - whatever he is doing most of the time, he doesn't need to do.  It pushes me away. 

I will talk to him about it.  I read Ron some selections from the jukebox, and then saw my food was ready.  I ate it and took my pills.  And I got queasy.  I never know what is going to set off my stomach, lately.  Ugh.  I feel miserable. 

We came home and I fed the cats, cleaned up a little.  I was worried the other cats were bullying Torbie out of her food, so I put some food in the bathroom with her and shut the door.  About 5 minutes later I let her out, the food untouched. 

Ron is playing "Meow and I will give you treats" with Baby Girl.  She likes that game.  The other cats are loafing around on the floor. 

I need to do up my pills, so I'm going to do that. 

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