Saturday, October 6, 2018

He wasn't cold for long

#2 was at it again last night, playing their music.  Ugh.  I didn't get much sleep as a result. 

We got up and went to the warehouse.  Ron didn't have a lot of money but I stretched it and got enough supplies for a week, with enough left to pay the driver. 

The driver showed up with a huge tire in his truck bed.  Not sure what that was about - if you are transporting a large load why wouldn't you take out the tire?  Everything still fit. 

We got to work and unloaded.  I helped Ron stock, then did my work.  It was a longer day but we got it all done.  Ron 's back was OK. 

We finally went out, Ron got cold in the building (still anemic!).  I took him outside, it was about 90 degrees, humid, and sunny.  He wasn't cold for long. 

Our ride was late and not in a good mood, but we cheered her up by the time she dropped us off. 

I took a nap.  Biscuit and Torbie joined me.  I had done some "bad" eating at work so I thought I might get a headache, which I did.  I took something and got up. 

A while back, I made a comment a guy took very personally.  He followed me around a message board, stalking me, demanding an "apology".  I basically said I don't trust the muslim agenda when it comes to women, and if he supported the agenda he was supporting what they would do to the women in his family. 

He got all bent, stalking me.  I finally had to block him.  Then, even weirder, his girlfriend started stalking me, leaving me these bizarre messages about her ex mutilating her breasts and locking her in the basement, the guy who was stalking me was so much better than that, etc.  It was bizarre and inappropriate. 

She also accused me of saying something about her sister, which I never did.  I vaguely remember someone from years ago wailing about how her sister was gossiping, and I told her to get over it, and stop sharing private information with a gossip.  She got very upset, played victim, etc.  Maybe it is the same woman, I don't know. 

But going on about her breasts?  That was just beyond weird.  Now she is going on about how she had surgery and they "forcibly" gave her 5 doses of narcotics in a short period of time.  Implausible.  I believe she probably had a procedure done, I believe she took it badly and is seeking attention again.  That's all I believe.  I'll be glad when it drops off.  Some people are just really unstable. 

Hell, I take my pills.  That is always the worst thing about having a migraine, not being able to take my pills, and waiting until my appetite comes back so I can eat again. 

But I hope I didn't post like that when I was sick (prior to diagnosis and medication)- it is just totally incoherent, inappropriate, and alarming.  I did block her so I don't have to read the individual posts but she and her boyfriend are a pair, that's for sure. 

Off I go to call my Dad.  I may post later. 

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