Sunday, October 7, 2018


Two blogs today. 

I got up late, around 8, got on the computer for a while.  I had meant to do my God Time but the old time suck got me instead.  Maybe I need to turn my computer off at night. 

I took my shower, got dressed, got Ron ready.  We were going to Walmart.  Our ride was late. 

Ron got very upset.  He gets very upset when he makes a trip and the driver is very late.  I understand, but the magnitude of the upset is something to be seen.  It's frustrating and very sad. 

The driver finally pulled up - in such a way that I had to take Ron out into the middle of the street to load him (another client on the passenger side, which faced the house).  "Thanks for endangering me" Ron muttered as the driver "tied down" his wheelchair. 

The driver kept trying to touch Ron as he got in the vehicle.  I kept asking him to stop touching Ron's back (very painful).  The driver wouldn't listen to me until Ron thanked me for saying something.  Then he tried to do it again.  I was frustrated by now.  Bad enough I had to load Ron in the street, but if I ask you please don't touch, I'd like you to respect that. 

But I'm a woman, and he was from "the religion of peace, and mutilating little girls".  They don't value anything a woman has to contribute.  He didn't want me to sit in the front seat but it was the only free spot. 

He was slow getting to our drop off.  I could see why he was late, and he got confused by the traffic patterns in the Walmart parking lot.  I finally told him to let us off at the "wrong" door so I could just get out of there.  I pushed Ron over to the correct spot. 

He gave me some money for cat treats and I did my shopping.  They didn't have the generic pepto tabs or the pads I needed, I got something else in the pad department.  I like to to have the box I'm working on (and this is all my female supplies) and my backup box.  So I have one, just not what I wanted.  It is allegedly the "size" I need.  They have sizes now depending on your flow and underwear size.  Bigger girls are 3's and 5's. 

They did have the ginger root and they are using organic ginger in them now.  Good.  I am a big fan of ginger root.  It is a good anti-inflammatory and stomach aid.  And it's harmless, no bad side effects. 

I don't mind taking supplements but I really don't want more prescriptions.  I can hardly remember what I take as it is.  If something ever happens to me, and they ask what I take, Ron is going to freeze.  He has no idea what I take, and will have to ask them to call the pharmacy.  Maybe I should write up a card for him to keep in his wallet. 

Although I have been pretty healthy this year, I had one cold and 2 bad migraines.  Both of those have to be treated with rest and fluids so I did that.  I haven't seen a doctor since my shoulder went out last year. 

I got some drink mix, pineapple cups for Ron (he loves that stuff), etc.  I got the ones packed in juice, they're a little better for him.  I am sure monk fruit is a wonderful supplement but I don't know if Ron would agree. 

And I got the cat treats.  I also got dairy stuff, yogurt, etc. easy to eat and my pills like it. 

I found a good cashier!  I was very happy.  She was fast, she was nice, she scanned everything properly.  She didn't complain about the tote bags.  I really liked her.  I hope I get her again. 

Ron was blowing up my phone, letting me know I had 10 minutes left.  I told him I was done.  "Oh".  I got some chicken nuggets, the fastest I have ever gotten them at the McDonald's.  Normally they are very slow and inefficient.  Not today. 

I ate 7 of them before our ride arrived.  The same guy.  Still had his jacket in the front seat (with sharia law, women are not "allowed" to ride in the front seat).  He moved it this time.  I told him go ahead and put up the wheelchair (he did a terrible job securing it, last time), with me watching he did a better job this time.  He offered to put my bags away but I told him no thanks, this is what a provider does.  That is what the service calls me, "a provider".  I put the bags away (not heavy anyway) and we went home.  It was a straight trip.  This time, he took directions. 

I unloaded everything and then took the chair to Ron.  I didn't trust him not to "help".  Ron looks bad getting in and out of a vehicle: very unstable.  He looks like he needs help but is fiercely independent.  He will permit me to put his hand on the hand grip but that's it.  Generally I stand between him and the driver, blocking him.  I also provide a more practical "padding" if he does lose his balance, which hasn't happened. 

We got Ron loaded and the groceries in the house and put away.  Sometimes I am bad about not putting away the non-perishables.  But I have gotten a lot better at that, lately. 

I told Ron he could eat my nuggets (he had smuggled in another 1.75 liter bottle of vodka when I brought him in), and took a nap. 

I had an odd dream, which I will discuss in my next post.  I woke up with a headache.  God only knows the trigger. 

Ron and I talked about tomorrow (we have to plan the trip a day in advance).  He set that up, an early wakeup for me (around 4).  Let's hope #2 is quiet tonight, like they were last night. 

And onto my next post. 

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