Friday, April 23, 2010


UGH. I thought I was done with the nausea; I assumed my body had adjusted to the Wellbutrin. Well, you know what happens when you ass-u-me.

[groan] So, it looks like my Manic-Depression has now become Nausea-Depression. I don't get manic, I get nauseated. Last time was 2 months, but [shrug] I did lose 10 pounds.

I was going to look up a nausea rating scale, found a bunch of articles on chemotherapy. Thank you, God, for that, and the reminder that Bipolar type one has a 20% suicide rate - a lousy mortality rate compared to some cancers!

Anyway, I did find my Ginger Root - praise God. I took some, that usually helps. Looks like I'll be buying more, tomorrow. URG.

No matter how bad my medication nausea gets, I never vomit. I just stay miserably queasy. I gag down food, it stays down. I gag down pills. I drink lots of liquid. It seems to help.

And I remind myself that nausea is a lot better than a mania, or a depression. I'm the only one suffering. When I'm unmedicated, everyone suffers.


Jesus said...


Please stop abusing Metro lift.



Jesus said...


Can you send me a bible?


Heather Knits said...

Send me an address! I'll be happy to mail one!

Ron is using Metrolift for it's exact intended purpose. Getting around. That's all it's for. Getting people around Houston. It is not for "only" medical or anything like that. It's for anyone with a disability who needs a ride within the service area. ((((hugs))) They even have guys in wheelchairs going to strip clubs and gay bars. LOL

Heather Knits said...

I forgot! I can put up a link for you right here, J. :)

It has a good selection of translations, too. I think the KJV is "too hard". :)