Monday, April 26, 2010

Manic Monday

Well, it hasn't been very manic, but it was Monday. I had to get up at 2 AM today. I left Bubba-cat asleep in my bed. It was actually nice walking into work, the honeysuckle was blooming. Lovely.

That's been the nice thing about the l0w-grade mania, instead of depression, I can actually appreciate things like wildflowers and honeysuckle. I can literally smell the flowers, instead of slogging through a horrible dark swamp, surrounded by doom, gloom, and negativity.

After getting our pallet of soda, rotating the stock, and unloading the pallet (whew!), it was time to get the donuts. I went out and got the donuts - the weather was warming and I could smell the honeysuckle and a plant Ron calls "Bee Food". I had a nice wait. I got the donuts, stocked them, and helped Ron.

Yesterday, by the way, I woke up with a horrible headache and nausea. Sad but true, it is still SO much better than my illness. I will take it! Thank God for the side effects, they mean I am taking medication that works!

I decided to "Fake it 'till I make it" and act AS IF I felt fine. What would I do? Go to Starbucks on the bus. So, that's what I did. I even checked out a new-to-me store and found some interesting merchandise. Somewhere in there, I had a pretty good time, in spite of the headache and nausea. I came home, watched part of a movie, and went to bed.

Back to today: I stocked it all. We heard some good news, we may be getting a LOT more Postal Workers! That would be wonderful. I will leave all that in God's hands.

I had a good time talking to the other vendor (aka "Hot Legs") and crew. As I left, he begged me not to "leave" him. I told him I could handle the fact he had "another woman" (his wife), but the fact that he kept FLAUNTING her at me every week was breaking my heart. We all had a good laugh - most times when I have attempted humor like that it crashed and burned, horribly. I really enjoy them.

Now I'm just waiting on a ride to Burger King. We have a hot date planned. Bubba has now moved to his midday sleep spot of next to my computer, maybe we can grab a nap together when I get home. I was happy to "let" him sleep when I left this morning. :)

HORRIBLE side effects today, too. Very foggy thinking and hard to walk. WORTH IT. So, so, worth it. People are happy to see me now.

You can't imagine what a big deal that is to me.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

Heather ~ I'm happy to "see" you too!! I missed you not posting yesterday!

Honeysuckle isn't blooming here yet, but I know it smells beautiful! What a beautiful world God created for you and me!!