Thursday, August 13, 2020

Sorry to leave you hanging

 So, yesterday I called the primary practice, they have a rotating assortment of doctors.  They had no problem booking an appointment, reason: seizures.  

The way things went today they should have BEEN HONEST and said "You really need to go to an ER we don't feel comfortable handling that".  I'm not irate but disappointed and peeved.  

So I got up early, got Ron ready, really glad I gave him a good bath and used the Mitchum deodorant.  I am very glad I used my good deodorant and had shaved my legs.  People judge you on that stuff.  We got a paratransit ride to the office, went in.  

They took his blood pressure (high) then Doc had a seizure of his own and demanded I take Ron to the ER.  It was frustrating I don't know why they couldn't just say this on the phone yesterday.  So I called Arturo and we went.  

The ER was nice and we only waited about an hour.  They wanted to know why I waited between the seizures and the visit and I explained I had thought the primary could handle a prescription.  They drew blood and sent us back.  Ron had a CAT scan as well just to verify, I think, he really did have an old head injury.  We liked the nurse and doctor.  

Doc gave Ron some IV medication and when that was well tolerated wrote a script for tablets and referred us to a neurologist.  Ron is actually willing to do all this now.  He was not, before.  

The alarm kept going off, Ron's blood pressure remained high, about 200/125.  That is Not Good.  So Ron got a diagnosis of high blood pressure as well and another script.  

Good news, this hospital GETS IT about low income patients (not the county hospital) and wrote scripts that were only $18 total.  But first I had to get Ron home.  

I called Arturo again and we got Ron home, I had a heck of a time getting him into bed he was wiped out.  I called Jack and we went to Walmart.  It took over an hour but I have the pills on the couch, and didn't spend that much considering.  I came home, Ron is out.  

He has trouble sleeping and the medication seems to be helping very well for that, I think Ron is going to like it.  And he didn't have any side effects or difficulty getting around after his dose.  Nice to take it for a test drive.  

ER Doc was NOT worried about the seizures but moderately concerned about the blood pressure, I will make sure Ron takes everything as directed.  

Unfortunately the hospital did have actively ill COVID patients.  So I will work with Ron on his immunity I do have some vitamin C coming for him Saturday.  

It was a long day but we got it all done.  

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