Monday, August 24, 2020


 Busy day.  Ron had a rough night and I overslept.  I took him to the doctor.  While in the waiting room he kept rubbing his left knee, which was swollen.  

Doc had a look at his numbers, wrote a 3 month for the Norvasc.  No one wants Ron off blood pressure pills and stroking out.  Most of all me.  

Then he had a look at Ron's knee.  It was pretty ugly, he didn't hit it, it just blew up.  It suffered damage in the accident (trauma) but has never had issues until today.  Ron was so desperate he asked for a shot, which he got.  He also got a prescription for Aleve in addition to the Norvasc, which has been great for him.  His blood pressure was higher today due to knee pain.  

Doc wrote orders for blood work, we will come back and do that.  

We came home, Ron went to bed.  The pharmacy sent me a text they had his medication, so I told Ron goodbye.  He begged me to buy him a heating pad?!  So I made him a sock with some rice in it, heated that up and put it on him, he liked that.  The old heating pad drowned during the flood and I hadn't gotten a new one.  

I had a little work finding a ride to Walmart but I did, got the medication ($40 for 3 months), and did some shopping.  I got various hurricane snacks and more soda.  I find I am more a salty snack person when stressed.  I got Ron 2 different kinds of pain relieving cream, they had plenty of that.  They didn't have any canned pasta or meat.  I checked out and came home.  

Ron was asleep which is good, he was in extreme pain earlier.  Oh, we got a referral to "ortho".  Ron heard about the injection they can do to plump up the cushion in joints, he said he would like that but does not want any kind of surgery.  I am with him, and to be honest, with high blood pressure, his age, and seizures they probably will never operate again unless it is life threatening.  My Dad does not have seizures but other issues and the doctors have basically told him he is not getting any operations.  

An example, my grandmother was in her 80's when her back went out, requiring surgery.  The surgery, basically, killed her.  

Although poor Dad is out of luck if he gets sick because there is no way I can visit.  He knows that.  

I may at some point get something going with social services so I can call for respite if I do need to travel.  I believe Medicare will pay for that, or if I am just so burnt out I am crispy and need a couple days on the beach.  Happily not at that point yet.  

I will check the mail in about an hour, I managed to get Ron's bed stripped so I could wash the bedding.  I am doing my "Soak in washing soda, baking soda, one detergent pak; then run a standard cycle with another pak" thing, that always results in fresh, clean, bedding for Ron.  My bed doesn't really get dirty unless I have a tampon leak, I run a box fan pointed at the bed at night with minimal covers so I am not overheated.  

That, and the herbs (dong quai and wild yam) have helped a lot with hot flash issues and even my skin is back to normal.  My skin has always been on the oily side, I get that from my Dad.  It got very dry for a while but is back to how it used to be.  

I haven't figured out my dinner, I was so busy thinking about the rest of the week, Ron's pain issues, non perishable food, etc.  But I am sure I have something tasty in the freezer.  I wish now I had got a couple hamburgers. But hindsight is 20/20.  Let me go look, worst case I have a cold protein shake.  

I have a lot of frozen, raw, ground meat.  The hard boiled eggs went out of code.  So it looks like protein shake for me.  That is fine.  The good news I do have plenty of snacks for both of us when the storms hit.  Presumably we will lose power and I won't want to be opening the fridge and freezer.  And I can't heat things up in the microwave if we don't have power... 

Boo-hoo.  Looks like a protein shake for dinner.  That is fine I am not super hungry anyway.  I will save my snacks for tomorrow, etc. during the actual storms.  Although I would hope I would not eat 18, one ounce, bags of chips in a week!  

Mailman is coming down the street, I will give him (?) some time and then go check it.  I am hoping Ron got his books.  I did charge his talking book machine (it has an internal battery) so he can read even if we don't have power.  I need to do my God Time and clean the litter boxes as well, finish the laundry.  I want the laundry in particular all done before the storm hits.  

That's it for now.  

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