Saturday, August 22, 2020


 I slept OK once I got to bed.  Ron has been OK about the alcohol regulation.  The bedpan came today while I was at work.  No one stole it (ha ha).  

I got up, took my shower, did my God Time.  When 10 rolled around I gave Ron his pills.  He tried taking them with lemonade and that did not work very well, so we are back to taking them with food.  He did get them down which is good as we don't have a lot of blood pressure pills.  

It took me a while, charging Ron's cell phone, but I got that done and then off to work.  Jack couldn't help so I took a Uber.  First ride was good, he was covered in tats but I didn't care.  I told him "Normally I warn my drivers my drop is in a bad area but I think you can handle yourself".  I got to work, stocked what I could, saw the repairman again, hopefully got it fixed for good, called Jack (he was busy working on his sister in law's rental house), hailed another Uber, came home.  

It was a rather exciting ride, I could probably get the guy fired because he took his mask off and ate a taco while driving (driver was white), and ranting about the president.  Now, personally I like the president, but I understand he is an acquired taste.  I like his stance on the major issues.  There, I said it.  

But I NEVER discuss this, because, as I told Arturo, it just gets both parties upset (I didn't tell A. I was a Trump supporter but he has probably guessed).  However, I was very concerned at this guy.  

I probably should have given him a bad rating but he was an old man and how else is he going to earn a living?  And maybe he has blood sugar issues and just listened to a political diatribe on talk radio.  I started to ask God for help but then told him (quietly) I knew He had my back but could He please remind me?  And I felt better.  

I couldn't wait to get out of that car but that is very uncommon with Uber.  I don't blame the service.  

Ron was fine which made me feel better.  I feel better and better about leaving him.  That is really important that I am able to run out now and then.  

Now, last night I told Ron he needs to reduce the alcohol but I will not cut it off entirely.  He said he understood and accepted that.  He was almost out of vodka (he is terrible about inventory control when it comes to alcohol).  So, once I got settled - took off my badge and keys - and I have a huge key ring, I called Arturo.  

We went to the liquor store, he waited.  I got Ron's vodka (the last of it, always a big run on the liquor stores with a hurricane) and some small single size portion bottles.  It is a pain measuring out 1-2 servings and putting it in a bottle.  A lot easier to just hand him a small bottle.  I got an assortment and the big vanilla vodka.  Some young black men asked me if I was having a party.  I told them no it was for my husband, and made a joke it wouldn't last long.  They said "Man, brother is hardcore" and we all laughed.  I checked out.  

I had been battling a nasty headache since I found out the bottled vendor was acting up again.  I was finally hungry so I had Arturo go through a drive through and I got some quesadillas.  Arturo got a good tip for that.  I got home, ate, and took my pills.  I gave Ron his quesadilla and he ate half, pretty good for him.  

I put the leftovers in the fridge and tried to lie down, couldn't.  I got up because my parents want the weekly phone call at 6 PM my time every Saturday.  She texted me before and said they were busy, contact them tomorrow.  

If you have watched the news/weather for my area lately you have seen the TWO hurricanes and Houston in the "cone" (possible strike area) for both.  You might conclude I would be a little anxious about that, even though I put on a brave face when asked.  You might wonder how Ron's back will fare with a drop in barometric pressure as even a simple thunderstorm can have him writhing in pain.  You might.  And that is all I will say.  

When Hurricane Ike hit Houston dead on as a Cat 2.  It had been a Category 4 for a while...they were on vacation and I didn't hear from them for weeks after the storm.  I thought they might be worried so I actually contacted my abuser and had him forward a message as the phones and electricity were down.  She later mentioned she had "gotten an email but knew I was fine so it wasn't necessary".  I had things fly off my neighbor's houses and land in my yard, large branches fell all around me, neighbors lost their roofs, the fence came down, etc.  Yet she knew, sitting in Europe, I was "fine".  

Same thing here I don't know what I expected different.  One day I will learn to expect nothing.  Yes, I have issues.  Yes, I should cut them a break.  

I just have this belief in my soul that a child should be able to rely on her parents for emotional support at difficult times.  Even after everything I have been through.  

But let me tell you Who doesn't disappoint.  God, that's who.  Always there for me no matter what, can call on Him any time.  I never get pushed aside because He has something "more important" I am always TOP priority with Him.  He's going to help me with my preparations (I need to move some things into the garage and remove the cat door panel from the sliding glass door), take care of my cats, care for me, Ron, and my property.  Even if I have damage He set me up with a great insurance company.  He enabled us to make enough money this week I have a little spending money should we need it.  I do know we will need some for copays on Monday.  So God is reliable, faithful and true... I hang onto that.  I will say this to my parents without the comparison.  

So tomorrow I can basically loaf around and see where the hurricane decides to go, if it is coming here I will start moving things in the garage.  I have to be careful doing that as I need to be able to get Ron out of the garage on Monday to do the doctor's visit for more blood pressure pills.  

Tuesday the storm may hit, odds are we will see some of it.  There may be 2 storms.  I have no idea how Ron's back is going to handle it, he does have his back pills, advil, and kratom so between that hopefully we can get it at a reasonable level.  I have the things I would need it we lose power, a battery lantern, Ron has a battery radio, etc.  Plenty of cat food.  

If it does come to Houston I will get my backup water bowl going (it holds a couple gallons) for the cats as their water fountain runs on A/C power.  I have the blogger app on my cell phone so I will post if able.  Not sure where I will put it, I don't want it near the litter boxes but I have them in every room.  And I have plenty of litter.  

When they cleaned out my house they moved my long handled litter box scoop to the garage, I was pretty upset when I found out it was missing.  I knew they didn't steal it because who wants a used metal litter scoop?  And so happy when I did find it.  

The freezer is pretty packed so ought to be OK for a few days if it comes to that.  Fridge I don't have much but I am drinking the milk, glad I didn't buy any yogurt. 

That is it for now.  

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